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基于GSM的远程温度监测系统,设计采用美国Dallas公司生产的DSl8B20数字温度传感器,通过现有的GSM(Global System for Mobile communication)网络将监测结果以短信方式发送至相应的监控终端(如手机、PC机)。系统具有结构简单、可靠性高、成本低等特点,可广泛应用于桥梁混凝土测温、油气井场、电力电缆火灾监测、粮仓及物资仓库温度监测。?
关键字:GSM DSl8B20 远程温度报警
GSM-based remote temperature alarm system
Abstract:With the development of science and technology and raise the level of automation, automatic temperature monitoring of all walks of life have become the safe production and reduce the loss of one of the important measures taken. Specific occasions due to the sub-station to monitor the scattered, remote, the traditional way of measuring the temperature of the long and costly, and surveyor to the scene to be measured, so efficiency is very low. Not easy to manage.
Bsed on the GSM remote temperature monitoring system,the United States to adopt the Dallas production company DS18B20 digital temperature sensor ,through the existing GSM network will monitor the results in order to send text messages to the control terminals (such as mobile phones ,PC machine ).System has a simple structure ,high reliability and low cost ,can be used as a bridge of concrete temperature ,oil and gas field wells ,power cable fire monitoring ,granary and warehouse supplies to monitor the temperatuer.
Keyword: GSM DSl8B20 Remote temperature alarm
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)论题的研究意义 1
(二)国内外技术研究现状 1
(三)本设计的主要工作 1
二、GSM概述 1
(一)GSM的涵义及其特点 1
(二)GSM的发展现状 2
(三)GSM的技术资料 2
三、温度采集简介 3
(一)温度采集现状 3
(二)温度采集的硬件组成 4
四、基于GSM的远程温度采集的硬件系统设计 6
(一)单片机16F877A基本电路设计 6
(二)单片机与LCD显示电路的设计 6
(三)单片机与DS18B20数字温度采集电路的设计 7
(四)单片机与MXA232串行通信电路的设计 8
(五)接收电路中的报警电路设计 8
(六)发射电路的控制按键设计 9
五、基于GSM的远程温度采集软件的系统设计 10
六、结论及展望 11
感谢辞 11
附 录 12
附录一 设计电路原理图和PCB图 12
附录二 部分设计源代码 13
参考文献 25