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摘 要 随着经济的发展和科技的进步,智能楼宇不断涌现。各潮。,照明在智能化建设中显得尤为重要。 本设计主要是对智能照明系统进行研究,区别于以往使用的PLC,单片机等,本设计选择使用DDC(DDC模块型号为5201)作为控制器,选择各种照明器件作为被控对象,进行研究进行DDC智能照明控制的设计,传统照明单一的手动控制的。本设计将DDC智能照明控制系统的设计主要分为DDC和,进行了Lonworker。将硬件设计软件的设计结合以后就能运用到实际的工程中,对于大型建筑的照明系统的监控非常方便。最后,本设计 关键词:智能照明??? ABSTRACT With economic development and the advancement of technology, intelligent buildings are emerging. The region also set off a wave of construction of intelligent buildings. In intelligent building construction, the lighting in the intelligent building is particularly important. So let the students understand the importance of smart lighting ? This design is mainly experimental system for intelligent lighting research, different from the previous use of PLC, SCM, etc., choose to use this design DDC (DDC module model 5201) as the controller, light sensors and passive infrared sensor to do the collection, select Controlled object as a variety of lighting devices, conduct research, the DDC design of intelligent lighting control, and the traditional lighting of a single sharp contrast to manual control. The design of intelligent lighting control system for the DDC is divided into the design of DDC control system and infrared sensors, light sensor, how to make it with precision, but also for the Lonworker programming applications. The hardware design with software design can be applied to practical after the project, the lighting system for large-scale construction monitoring is very convenient. Finally, the design of experiments for the purpose of mainly students, to ensure the safety of the circumstances. KEY WORDS: Intelligent lighting, DDC controllers, green lighting, experimental system 目录 绪论 1.1DDC智能照明实验系统的意义的发展 1.3DDC智能照明的发展 1.4 设计内容及章节安排第章 系统的设计 系统的设计 2.2DDC智能照明实验系统的 2.4 本章小结 第三章 DDC智能照明实验系统设计 致谢 参考文献 附录 第一章 绪论 智能照明试验系统的意义 近年来,伴随着我国房地产业的迅速发展,建筑智能化行业发展也十分迅速,各类高档住宅小区、政府办公楼、商务楼盘、公共建筑及智能化家居对智能化的应用也越来越广泛,对智能化功能的要求更趋向于多元化和综合化。智能化建筑已成为当今建筑发展的主流技术之一,涵盖了包括从楼宇自控系统到安全防范系统,以及完善


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