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连杆是汽车发动机主要的传动机构之一,它将活塞与曲轴连接起来,把作用于活塞顶部的膨胀气体压力传给曲轴,使活塞的往复直线运动可逆的转化为曲轴的回转运动,以输出功率。是为发动机提供安全可靠、经久耐用、节省能源、满足功用的一个重要零件,它对开发轻型、高速、大功率的柴油机有着密切的关系。因此,连杆的合理结构设计、加工工艺性设计,保证连杆的加工质量,提高生产效率有这重要意义,它是保证柴油机产品质量的关键所在。 此说明书,对连杆零件进行了详细的分析。设计出了零件加工的工艺规程。在工艺规程中涉及到了连杆加工的加工工艺,加工设备的选择,加工余量的确定,毛坯的确定,机床、刀具的确定,夹具的设计一系列与连杆加工有紧密联系的因素。 通过对此次设计,学会对中等难度零件的工艺编制,及其特定工序的夹具设计。 关键词: 工艺;毛坯;夹具。 ABSTRACT The connecting rod module is in the diesel engine essential movement power transmission component. It is affects the gas physical strengthand so on each kind of strength transmits on the piston gives the crank, also transforms the crank rotary motion into the piston reciprocal motion part. Is safely provides reliable, durable, the economical energy, satisfied function important components for the engine, it to develops lightly, is high speed, the high efficiency diesel engine has close relationship. Therefore, the connecting rod reasonable structural design, the processing technology capability design, guaranteed the connecting rod the processing quality, enhances the production efficiency to have this vital significance, it is guaranteed the diesel engine product quality the key is at. This instruction book let, has carried on the detailed analysis to the connecting rod components. Designed the components processing technological process. A series of involved the processing craft in the technological process which the connecting rod processed, the processing equipment choice, the processing remainder determination,the semifinished materials determination, the engine bed, the cutting tool determination, the jig design with the connecting rod processing had the close relation the factor. By the endtime of the densign,learn the technics weave of medium difficultry part,and the holding design of the especially working procedure. Key words: roughcast; craft; jig 目 录 绪论 1 1. 零件的工艺分析 2 1.1 连杆的工作情况 2 1.2 连杆的结构特点 2 1.3 连杆机械加工的主要技术要求 3 2. 毛坯的确定 4 2.1生产类型的确定 4 2.2 材料的选择 4 2.3 毛坯种类与方法的确定 4 2.4 确定毛坯尺寸公差和加工余量 4


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