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摘 要 信息时代,知识触手可及。网络连接着世界,知识在网络上传播。网络,让人们可以方便的获取知识,也为人们节省了获取知识所需要的时间和经费,网络课程迅速兴起,人们通过丰富多彩的网络课程传播知识,交流经验,尤其是计算机技术课程和游戏演示,需要讲授者将计算机屏幕的动作按帧记录下来,制成视频在网络上传播。基于这个需求,开发了屏幕录像系统。 本系统能录制计算机屏幕上的动作,记录下连续时间内屏幕的图像,然后保存成AVI格式的视频文件;还可以实现视频的编辑功能,方便用户将不同的视频拼接以及视频的剪辑。 本论文将从相关理论出发,对各个模块的功能和实现进行介绍,并解释用到的技术。本屏幕录像系统以Visual C++6.0为开发平台,采用多媒体技术以及图形图像技术,实现比较全面的功能和便捷的用户体验。 关键词:屏幕录像;帧;AVI;Visual C++;多媒体;图形图像技术 ABSTRACT This is the age of information, knowledge is beside everybody. With the link of Internet, people can get knowledge conveniently at the same time knowledge travels on the Internet speedy. This can help people save lots of money and plenty time, as a result, resources online is rising with an astonishing speed, through which people learn and communicate. For example, game players and computer technology workers need to show their screen to others so they need to get their computer screen frames recorded and transform it to a video and then put it online. Due to this, I developed this screen record software. This software can record the computer screen movement to a video as a AVI format file, in addition, it can also edit the video, which can give the user a easy way to put different videos together as one video. This paper start from some theory which is important to develop the software, and then give a brief introduce to the functions of each module , after that, give out the technology being used in the software. This system was developed in the platform of Visual C++ 6.0, also with the help of multimedia technology and graphic technology. The system is a very helpful tool for users. Key words: Screen Record; Frame; AVI;Visual C++;Multimedia;Graphic Technology 目 录 第一章 绪论 3 1.1互联网时代与多媒体技术 3 1.2屏幕录像软件简介 3 1.3VC++与MFC简介 3 1.4本章小结 3 第二章 相关技术简介 3 2.1数字图像基本原理与技术 3 2.2AVI相关技术 3 2.3钩子技术 3 2.4位图(BMP) 3 2.5Video for Windows技术 3 2.6托盘技术 3 2.7其他相关技术 3 2.8本章小结 3 第三章 屏幕录像软件系统分析 3 3.1系统需求分析 3 3.2系统可行性分析 3 3.3本章小结 3 第四章 屏幕录像软件概要设计 3 4.1屏幕录像软件系统结构 3 4.2屏幕录像软件原型与说明 3 4.3部分系统流程 3 4.4本章小结 3


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