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摘 要 本设计为办公楼设计,主要内容包括供配电系统设计、照明系统设计、动力设计、防雷、接地及等电位联接设计。高压进线采用两路10kV进线,选用两台SCB10-630kVA变压器,低压侧母联。考虑到供电的可靠性和经济性等众多因素,低压配电采用树干式与放射式相接合的方式。动力系统由低压侧出线柜直接出线,重要的动力设备和消防设备均采用双回路供电。照明系统中一般办公室照明选用T5节能高效荧光灯,其他照明选用吸顶灯。在人员密集的疏散通道设计疏散照明,在重要的设备房和控制房中设计应急照明。本建筑物的防雷等级为三类,屋顶防雷采用避雷网格,建筑物利用钢筋混凝土屋面板、梁、柱和基础的钢筋作为接闪器、引下线和接地装置。 关键词:办公 变配电 动力 照明 防雷接地 Abstract This graduated project is the design of strong electricity for Langchi working building in Nanjing city. The main elements of this design include transforming and distributing electrical power system, lighting system, dynamical system, lightning protection, grounding and equipotentiontial bonding design. High-power system uses two lines of 10kV supply. In this project, we use two SCB10-630kVA transformers and combine the bus bar in the low-power side. Taking into account the reliability and economy of supply and many other factors, low-power distribution uses the combination of tree type and radial type. Power system directly connected from the low pressure side of the outlet cabinet, important power equipments and fire equipments use dual power supply. Gengral office lighting in lighting system uses energy efficient T5 fluorescent lamps, other systems use ceiling lamp. In the personnel-intensive evacuation routes design evacuation lighting, in the important equipments rooms and control rooms design emergency lighting. The level of the defending thunder of this building is the third categories, the roof uses lightning mesh. Building uses reinforced concrete roof slab, beams, columns and foundation reinforcement as air-termination system, deflector and grounding devices. Key Words: Working building;transforming and distributing electrical power; dynamical; lighting; defending the thunder and connecting ground. 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 概述 1 1.1工程概况 1 1.2工程系统简介 1 1.2.1供配电系统 1 1.2.2动力系统 1 1.2.3照明系统 2 1.2.4防雷接地系统 2 第二章 供配电系统初步设计 3 2.1负荷估算 3 2.2负荷分级 3 2.3本工程负荷供电要求 3 2.4供电电压等级 4 2.5本工程供配电方案 4 第三章 照明系统


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