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 可靠性高抗干扰能力强功耗通用性灵活性 Abstract The machine is introduced, and the working principle, structure, integrated design of hydraulic system design and PLC control technology. PLC programmable controller is the technology with traditional microcomputer relay contact control technology, it is the outcome of the combination of the control system has high reliability and anti-interference capability is strong, low power consumption, high universality and flexibility, programmable controller to small powerful functions, it is not that can easily finish order logic, motion control, timing, counting control, digital computing and data processing and so on the function, and can be established through input/output interface with various production machinery digital and analog connection, so as to realize the automatic control of the production process. Especially now, due to the arrival of the era of information, network, expanding the function of PLC, to make it strong network communication ability, thus more widely applied in many industries. Keywords: integrated design, PLC control technology, high reliability and anti-interference capability is strong, low power consumption, generality, high flexibility 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 - 1 - 1.1 国内注塑机发展概况 - 1 - 1.2 我国注塑机控制技术的进展 - 2 - 1.3 注塑机控制技术发展趋势 - 3 - 第2章 注塑机结构分析及其工作原理 - 5 - 2.1 注塑机概述 - 5 - 2.2 注塑机的组成及结构分析 - 5 - 2.3 注塑机的工作原理及模式: - 17 - 第3章 注塑机的PLC控制程序设计 - 20 - 3.1 PLC概述 - 20 - 3.2 PLC机型的选择步骤与原则 - 24 - 3.3 注塑机PLC程序的顺序控制设计 - 26 - 3.4 控制系统工作原理 - 30 - 第4章 注塑机的维护与保养 - 43 - 4.1 操作及维护保养规程生产管理 - 43 - 4.2预防性维修保养工作 - 44 - 4.3塑机的控制装置PLC在应用中应注意的问题 - 47 - 第5章 心得体会 - 51 - 附录A - 52 - 附录B - 58 - 附录C - 63 - 参考文献 - 64 - 第1章 绪论 1.1 国内注塑机发展概况 注塑机是塑料加工业中使用量最大的加工机械,不仅有大量的产品可用注塑机直接生产,而且它还是组成注拉吹工艺的关键设备。 中国已成为世界塑机台件生产的第一大国,宁波海天也成为全球产量最大的注塑机生产企业。除液电复合式注塑机外,目前中国已经能制造肘杆式、全液压和全电动式注塑机。其中肘杆式注塑机已实现了升级换代,全液压式注塑机也已从传统的单缸充液式完善到两板直压式。广东泓利机器公司开发的四缸全液压式注塑机,还获得了美国、日本等7国发明专利,全电动式也已生产出样机,中国注塑机的生产与世界水平的差距在缩小,某些方面已达到世界先进水平。这些机械已经基本上可以满足国内市场上的需要,并且相当数量的产品出口到包括



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