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基于单片机的篮球赛计时计分器设计 摘 要 随着计算机在社会领域的渗透,单片机的应用正在不断地走向深入,同时带动传统控制检测系统日新月益。在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中,单片机往往是作为一个核心部件来使用,仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构,以及针对具体应用对象特点的软件结合,以作完善。 本篇论文讨论了简单的倒计时器的设计与制作,对于倒计时器中的LED数码显示器来说,是基于AT89C52单片机设计的篮球赛计时计分系统。具有比赛计时、比赛时间调整、比赛暂停、分数加减、时间最后10秒报警等功能。且具有价格低廉、性能稳定、操作方便且修改灵活等特点。适用于各类学校和小团体作为赛程计时计分。 关键词: 单片机,AT89C52,LED数码管,倒计时,计分 The Design of Basketball Timing and Scoring Device Based on MCU Abstract: Permeate in the social realm along with the calculator in recent years, single slice the application of the machine just at constantly alignment thorough, arouse a traditional control an examination a day a new moon benefit renewal in the meantime. In solidly the hour the examination the single slice that controls with auto the machine the application the system, slice machine usually Be a core parts to use, only single slice the machine aspect knowledge is not enough, return should according to concrete the hardware structure, and aim at concrere application the sofwatre of the object characteristics combine to make perfect. This paper discussed the simple counter-down design and production, for the counter-down LED digital display, it is based on AT89C52 design of basketball this paper discussed the simple counter-down design and production, for the counter-down LED digital display, it is based on AT89C52 clock scoring system design of the game. Clock, match with game suspension, and 10 seconds the countdown, scores functions such as add and subtract. And is inexpensive, stable performance, convenient operation and modify flexible etc. Characteristics. Applicable to all kinds of schools and the clique as fixtures timing graded. Keywords: MCU, AT89C52, LED Nixie tube, countdown, scoring 目 录 第一章 前 言 4 1.1 背景 4 1.2 设计目的与任务 4 第二章 系统硬件介绍 6 2.1 MCS-52单片机简述 6 2.1.1 单片机AT89C52简介 6 2.1.2 主要特性 7 2.1.3 管脚说明 7 2.2 显示器及其原理 9 2.2.1 显示器介绍 9 2.2.2 结构与原理 9 2.2.3 LED显示器显示方式 10 第三章 硬件电路设计 12 3.1 系统方案设计 12 3.2 硬件总体设计 12 3.2.1 时钟振荡电路部分 13 3.2.2复位电路部分 14 3.2.3 按键电路部分 15 3.2.4显示



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