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河 南 科 技 学 院 2009 届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:太阳能交通灯设计      学生姓名:韩玲玲 所在院(系):机电学院 所学专业:应用电子技教育 导师姓名:赵明富 完成时间:2009年5月20日 摘 要 人类社会生活水平的不断提高,导致人类对能源的需求量也越来越大能源紧缺问题也表现得越来越明显。而且随着世界各国石油、煤炭等自然资源的匮乏,全国大部分地区为了对付缺电,实行了分地区分时段的拉闸限电措施,而交通灯作为重要的指挥工具如果因断电不能正常工作的话,便会造成交通安全隐患。因此,如何利用可再生资源成为当今世界关注的焦点。 太阳能是一种取之不尽,用之不竭的天然能源,又是一种可再生的清洁能源,具有无需架线,不受地理位置限制等优点,所以得到越来越广泛的应用,同样地市场上LED光效在快速地提高,而价格却在降低。综合这些情况,利用太阳能对交通灯进行供电,通过带有蓄电池的太阳能电池板跟普通交通灯相连,来实现利用太阳能给交通灯供电,不仅能够节约资源,而且使其在市电断电情况下也能正常工作,以及LED的环保节能,太阳能LED交通灯成为各个交通要道上的一道亮丽的风景线,展现给我们的将是无穷的生命力和广阔的前景 本系统采用太阳能供电,采用单片机自动控制交通信号灯及时间显示,介绍了太阳能供电系统;设计了自动控制交通信号灯的硬件电路,并给出了相应的软件和流程图。 关键词:太阳能电池板;蓄电池;充放电控制;单片机;交通信号灯 Design of solar traffic lights Abstract Human society and the continuous improvement of living standards, lead to mankind's energy demand is also growing problems of energy shortage was becoming evident. Moreover, with the countries in the world of oil, coal and other scarce natural resources,the implementation of pullout the switch to restrictions power time to distinguish between the subdivision,And traffic lights as an important tool if the command does not work due to power outages, it will cause safety problems. Thus, the use of renewable resources has become the focus of attention in today's world. Solar energy is an inexhaustible natural energy, it is a kind of renewable clean energy, with no wiring from the advantages of geographical restrictions, it has been more and more widely。The combination of these circumstances, the use of solar energy to electricity for traffic lights, through a battery of solar panels connected with the ordinary traffic lights, to achieve the use of solar power to traffic lights not only save resources but also to electric power in the city cases can work properly. As well as the environmental protection and energy saving LED, solar LED traffic lights in all the traffic to become the Road is a beautiful scenic routes, demonstrate to us will be the endless vitality and broad prospects The system uses solar power,



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