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摘 要 在现代社会各领域中,广泛需要各种不同的定时系统,来完成某段定时操作功能,用单片机实现定时控制,是当前实时控制的发展方向,目前研制的一些定时系统,只能满足特定领域的需要,同时其控制时间的输入,只能根据用户的需要输入到存储器中。 本文介绍的通用单片机定时系统,具有很强的通用性,并且其定时时间可以根据需要由用户任意更改,极大地方便了使用者。本系统的定时时间可以到分,根据实际需要也可以定时到秒。本系统以8051单片开发机为核心,显示板、双向移位寄存器、二位BCD编码器、三位二进制编码器、控制输出、掉电保护等部分组成。该系统具有体积小,价格低廉,运用灵活,使用方便等特点。 关键词:单片机 8051 定时 Abstract In modern society various domains, widespread need each kind different fixed time systematic, completes some section fixed time to operate the function, with the monolithic integrated circuit realization timed control, is the current real-time control development direction, at present develops some are fixed time systematic, only can satisfy the specific domain the need, at the same time its control time input, only can need to input according to the user to the memory in. This article introduced the general monolithic integrated circuit is fixed time systematic, has the very strong versatility, and it fixed time may according to need to change by the user, enormous place then user. This system fixed time the time may to the minute, according to the actual need also be possible fixed time to the second This system take 8051 monolithic developments machine as the core, Display panel, the bidirectional shift register, two BCD encoder, three binary coders, the control output, falls the electricity protection and so on the partial compositions. This system has the volume slightly, price inexpensive, the utilization is flexible, characteristic and so on easy to operate. Key word: Monolithic integrated circuit 8051 fixed time 目 录 一 绪论 1.1单片机发展历史及前景……………………………………………1 二 系统硬件介绍及设计…………………………………………2 2.1系统硬件组成及原理 ……………………………………………2 2.1.1 8051单片机 …………………………………………………3 三 系统软件介绍及设计 ………………………………………16 3.1设计思想 ………………………………………………………16 3.2 显示子程 ………………………………………………………16 3.3时钟时间输人子程 ……………………………………………16 3.4 控制时间输人子程 ……………………………………………16 3.5 时钟子程 ………………………………………………………17 3.6 控制比较 l 子程…………………………………………………17 3.7 控制比较 2 子程…………………………………………………17 四


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