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本科毕业 林 涛 200830570210 指导教师 徐兴 讲师 学院名称 工程学院 专业名称 电子科学与技术 论文提交日期 2012年5月10日 论文答辩日期 2012年5月19日 摘 要 随着无线通信技术,微芯片制造等技术的进步,无线作为一种全新的信息获取和处理技术,凭借其自组织,无需布线、低功耗、低成本、智能性传感器网络强等特点,已逐渐渗透到农业领域。设计一个低功耗的无线网络作物种植环境监测系统具有重要的现实意义,可以有效降低人力消耗对农田环境的影响,获取精确的作物环境信息,使得农业逐渐地从以人力为中心、依赖于孤立机械的生产模式转向以信息和软件为中心的生产模式。 本设计ZigBee射频芯片CC2530芯片为控制器,基于ZigBee无线网络的橘园种植信息监测系统,CC2530无线模块为核心,并提供各种必要的接口和模块,基于ZigBee2007 Z-Stack协议栈实现整个无线传感网络的建立;上位机设计基于C#语言,利用串口控件、图表控件、数据库操作,实现传感器数据实时显示、曲线绘制、历史查询并提供网络拓扑结构图显示。该设计目的在于克服现有橘园环境监测系统和方法存在的监测困难、监测范围有限的问题,提供一种设计合理、成本低、布网方便并且使用简单的适合于橘园大范围实时监测的方法,有利于实现柑橘园管理的规范化和化。稳定,系统运行情况良好,工作性能较为稳定,具有一定的靠性:ZigBeeZ-Stack 协议栈 CC2530 橘园环境 监测 The Wireless Orange Groves Monitoring System Based On CC2530 Lin Tao (College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China) Abstract: The technologies of wireless network information and computer application have developed quickly in recent years. It’s important to apply these technologies on the field of agriculture. To design a wireless monitoring system about the environment quality of planting will have realistic sense,it can reduce human consumption impacts on the agricultural environment and obtain accurate crop environmental information, making the agricultural mode of production from human-centered, mechanized to informational and software-oriented. The design is a wireless orange groves monitoring system which is based on the WSN protocol of ZigBee , using the CC2530 as its MCU and achieving the goals of obtaining the in formations of the orange groves environment including, temperature, humidity, illumination and soil moisture at regular time and saving the data in the database. The system includes two parts: the building of the wireless network by ZigBee and the design of host-computer software for monitoring system. The building of the wireless network is based on the CC2530 MCU, and provides different interfaces and models, using the ZigBee2007 Protocol stack to buil


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