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郑州大学西亚斯国际学院 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 基于PLC的电梯控制系统应用设计 基于PLC的电梯控制系统由于设计 摘??? 要 PLC(可编程控制器)作为一种工业控制微型计算机,它以其编程方便、操作简单尤其是它的高可靠性等优点,在工业生产过程中得到了广泛的应用。它应用大规模集成电路,微型机技术和通讯技术的发展成果,逐步形成了具有多种优点和微型,中型,大型,超大型等各种规格的系列产品,应用于从继电器控制系统到监控计算机之间的许多控制领域。 随着社会的不断发展,楼房越来越高,而电梯成为了高层楼房的必须设备。电梯从手柄开关操纵电梯、按钮控制电梯发展到了现在的群控电梯,为高层运输做出了不可磨灭的贡献。PLC在电梯升降控制上的应用主要体现在它的逻辑开关控制功能。由于PLC具有逻辑运算,计数和定时以及数据输入输出的功能。在电梯升降过程中,各种逻辑开关控制与PLC很好的结合,很好的实现了对升降的控制。本文介绍电的发PLC在电应阐门子PLC技术对电进硬设备条实现电环关键词PLC;电 西门子The elevator control system based on PLC application design Abstract PLC (programmable controller) as a kind of industrial control microcomputer, with its programming convenient, simple operation especially its advantages such as high reliability in industrial production process, has been widely used. It application large-scale integrated circuits, Internet technology and communication technology development achievements, and gradually formed a has many advantages and mini, medium, large and super large specifications of the various series of products, from relay control system applied to monitor the many control area between computers.With the continuous development of society, building more and more high, but the elevator became the top of the building must equipment. Elevator from handle switch manipulate elevator, button control of elevator to the development of the present group control elevator, for high-rise transport made indelible contribution.PLC in elevator lift control of the application lies in its logical switch control function. Because of PLC has logic operations, counting and timing and data input and output functions. In the elevator lift process, all kinds of logic switch control and PLC good union, good realized to lift control.This paper introduces the development of the elevator in the elevator control and application of PLC. Specific discusses how to use the Siemens PLC of the technology for the control of elevator on speed. Without any increase in hard equipment conditions, implements cur


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