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西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文) 高路堤工程抗震优化设计 摘要: 近年来我国西部山区地震频发,路堤工程面临严峻考验,高路堤工程在地震作用下的稳定性问题也日益突出。由汶川地震路基工程震害调查发现,山区高路堤一般采用阶梯型边坡,主要震害模式有路基边坡开裂、臌胀或局部坍塌,但能保持整体稳定;未铺设土工格栅的高路堤边坡易发生坍塌破坏,而铺设土工格栅的高路堤仅发生局部变形。因此本文主要研究内容就是在地震工况下对路堤进行优化设计,使路堤的稳定性系数能满足规范要求。优化设计有两种方法:(1)放缓路堤边坡坡度;(2)在路堤内部铺设土工合成材料即加筋土路堤。本文利用理正软件分别计算两种方案在正常工况下和地震工况(地震烈度为7、8、9度)时的稳定性系数,确定优化设计方案。通过分析两种方法的优缺点,可以发现铺设土工格栅的高路堤工程适应土体自身变形能力强,能抵消地震能量,有良好的抗震性能,占用土地面积少,节省填料,减少对生态环境的破坏。加筋土路堤在目前虽然属于新技术,但是实用性强,前景较好,因此在综合考虑各种因素后,确定路堤抗震优化设计方案时采用铺设土工合成材料的路堤。 关键词: 地震;高路堤;土工格栅;优化设计 Abstract In recent years, the embankment in earthquake-prone mountain areas in western China, is facing a severe challenge, the stability of the high embankment under earthquake is a prominent problem. Damage from the earthquake subgrade survey, the high embankment slope in the mountain areas commonly used ladder-type, The main damage mode include the slope of the main embankment cracking damage, tympanites or partial collapse, but maintain the overall stability; The damage in the high embankment without laying geogrid prone slope collapse, while laying geogrid embankment occurred only local deformation. The main research content in this article is to optimize the design so that the stability of embankment can meet the regulatory requirements . Optimization design have two kinds of methods (1) Slow down embankment slope (2)Laying geosynthetics in the internal embankment. LLZHENG program is used to calculate the stability factor of the two methods in normal operating conditions and seismic conditions (seismic intensity for the 7,8,9 degrees), to determine the optimal design. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods can find that the highembankment laying geogrid soil works to adapt its deformation ability, offset the seismic energy, good seismic performance, take up less land area, saving packing, reduce the ecological environment damage. Reinfo



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