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Abstract 目录 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 9 编号 编号 毕业设计(论文) 基于PLC控制的立体仓库 Abstract 目录 摘要 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 摘 要 随着时代的发展和科技的进步,自动化立体仓库必然会在各行各业中得到越来越广泛的应用。自动化立体仓库是现代物流系统的重要组成部分,是一种多层存放货物的高架仓库系统,由自动控制与管理系统、高位货架、巷道堆垛机、自动入库、自动出库、计算机管理控制系统以及其他辅助设备组成。 本仓库模型控制系统是根据自动化立体仓库运行的基本原理而设计的。在整个控制系统中S7-200PLC作为核心控制元件,专用键盘作为人机接口部件,控制步进电机来驱动一个有三自由度的仓库模型在高强度导轨上做三维运动。以步进电机每转输出的脉冲数为基础,通过键盘对每个仓位予以地址编码,通过PLC对命令键盘进行扫描并得到相应的仓位号,当PLC接收到来自键盘的输入命令后,便输出对应仓位的脉冲数,经过驱动器驱动步进电机按设定的方向转动一定的角度,进而控制传动部件丝杠旋转进行准确的定位,以完成货物的存取功能。另外,为了保证整个控制系统运行的稳定性和可靠性,我们还采用了限位开关对其进行限位保护。 本文首先对该课题的可行性及课题实现的现实意义和价值进行了介绍;其次对该系统的硬件组成、结构、原理进行了阐述和分析;再次对本控制系统的核心——软件进行了编写,论文中即有梯形图又有相应的语句表;最后对设计本课题所学到的知识和结论进行归纳和总结,并对本论文有待完善的地方进行扼要的说明。 关键字:立体仓库 ; 可编程控制器(PLC);三维运动;货物存取 ABSTRACT With the development and advancement of technology, the automated warehouse is bound to be more widely used in all walks of life. Automated warehouse is an important part of the modern logistics system is a multi-storey elevated to store goods warehouse system, automatic control and management system, high shelves, laneway, automatic storage, automatic library computer management control systems, and other auxiliary equipment. The the warehouse model control system is designed in accordance with the basic principles of running automated warehouse. S7-200PLC the entire control system as the core control components, dedicated keyboard as a man-machine interface components, control the stepper motor to drive a three-degree-of-freedom warehouse three-dimensional model of high strength rail movement. The number of pulses per revolution stepper motor output coding for each position to be address through the keyboard, the the command keyboard scan and get the corresponding number of positions through the PLC when the PLC receives input from the keyboard command output corresponding to the position and number of pulses, the stepper motor drive after drive to set the direction of rotation of a certain angle, and then c


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