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第 24卷第 3期 机械设计与研究 Vo.l 24 N o. 3 2008年 6 月 M achine Design and R esearch Jun. , 2008 文章编号: 100622343( 2008 0320 15203 , , , (上海大学 CIMS和机器人中心, 上海 200072, E2m a il: clzhao@ m a il. shu. edu. cn : , 。 , , 。 , 。, , 。, 。 : ; ; ; : TP391 文献标识码: A M u lt i2fea tu r e H ole F illin g Based on R an ge Im age ZHAO Cui2lian, ZHOU Ka,i FAN Zh i2j ian, CHEN Yu ( CIMS& R obot C enter, Shangha iUniversity, Shanghai 200072, China Ab stra ct: To rep air the hole in the range mi agewh ich inc ludes severa l featu res, am ethod ofhole2filling based on temp latem atch ing was proposed. Thewhole mi agewas segm ented according to norma l and point c louds of single feature were obta ined. A fter point clouds of the feature lines of single feature w ere ob tained us ing slic ing m ethod, the feature lines w ere fitted by m edian filter and coded. Code database of temp latewas con structed. W hen the op tmi um tem plate mi age was found based on tem plate2match ing, them ulti2feature hole can be filled. Them ethod is app lied to the recon2 struction of corrugated bu lkhead, which dem on strates that it is obviou sly he lp ful for m ulti2feature hole filling. K ey w or d s: range mi age; mu lt2i feature hole filling; code; temp latem atch ing [ 4] 由于传统计量是采用手工测量方式, 测量大型物件 片的插入和光顺, 填充效果良好。浙江大学的李根 等人提 时, 测量的精度和效率已经不能满足现代工程的要求。随着 出了一种基于边扩展的方法, 充分考虑孔洞周围网格形态 现代测量技术尤其是三维激光扫描设备的应用, 快速密集地


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