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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 设 计 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计 功率放大器及音箱的设计 Design of power amplifier and loudspeaker box 2011年6月 摘 要 随着社会的发展,人们的追求,现代人对听觉的水平要求越来越高,所以对音响的音质真实性要求越来越多,并能对音频信号进行适当的加工装饰,使声音音质真实优美动听。目前,音频功率放大器仍以模拟功放为主流产品,模拟功放经历了数十年的不断改进和完善,其技术已发展到了顶峰。模拟类功放是以线性放大为基础,功率放大器件有电子管和晶体管两类。按功放静态工作点的设置可分为A类放大,A/B类放大和C类放大三种。晶体管功放的最大优点是电源转换效率高(C类功放最大可达55%)、体积小、重量轻、发热量不大、生产成本低。缺点是转换速率低、偶次谐波失真较大。音质和可靠性指标都略逊于电子管功放。随着晶体管制造技术的不断提高和新技术的应用,各项实用性指标和可靠性指标都有很大改善,并不断在向更大的输出功率、更小的体积、更轻的重量、更多的功能和智能化方向发展 因此,我们这次的研究主要对象是高保真家用功率放大器, 然而功率放大器是在音响系统中是把微弱的音频信号放大到足以驱动喇叭单元工作,重放出人耳能听到的声音设备。 ABSTRACT With the development of society, people of the hearing, the level of becoming more and more sound, so to the sound quality drastically truth, and can ask more and more appropriate to audio signal processing, the voice sounds beautiful. sound true At present, audio power amplifier still impersonate power amplifier mainstream products, a power amplifier through dozens of years of continuous upgrading and improvement, the technology has reached the summit. a kind of power in linear amplifiers are a basis, power amplifier with valves and two types of transistors. the power amplifier static work for the setting may be divided into a class, a class a, b and c of enlargement of the three. The power of transistor amplifier greatest strengths is the power conversion efficiency ( various types of power amplifier can be up to 55% ), small volume, light and heat, the production cost is low. it is the rate is low, even time harmonics distortion great. sound and reliable indicators are worse in a sheath power amplifier. As to make continuous improvement in the transistor and new technology, the target indicators are practical and reliability improved greatly and the more power output, or more small volume, light weight and more facilities and intellectualized directionWe, therefore, this time of the main target is your power amplifier, however, hi-fi stereo system is in


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