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毕业论文(设计) LED点阵显示 声 明 郑重声明,此论文(设计)是本人在李新刚老师指导下完成,没有抄袭、剽窃他人成果,否则,由此造成的一切后果由本人负责。 本人签名: 摘 要 LED点阵显示在20世纪80年代以来以一种崭新的形式被广泛运用在社会的各个方面,尤以点阵显示广告牌为甚。LED点阵电子显示屏制作简单,安装方便,被广泛应用于各种公共场合,如银行、飞机场、火车站、汽车站,各种室外广场公告牌或广告牌。究其原因是其使用寿命长,高亮度,宽视角,低功耗,大对比度,色彩鲜艳,可以显示静态动态字符及图画。本文介绍的是一种以现时运用最广的LED点阵显示广告牌为参考原型而设计的小型点阵显示器。它使用STC89c51RC单片机为主控芯片,通过人眼的视觉暂留现象为基本原理设计出旋转Led显示器,此Led显示装置可以通过USB转RS232串口的ISP下载器进行下载更新,可以显示出用户需要的中文、字符以及数字文字等内容,整个显示装置小巧轻便、功耗低、成本不高、便于携带适合于室内摆放,也可用于做室内灯光装饰。 关键 ABSTRSCT LED dot matrix display in the 20th century, 80 years with a brand new form has been widely used in all aspects of society, especially in the dot matrix display billboard staggering. Electronic display LED dot matrix producing simple, easy to install, is widely used in various public places, such as banks, airports, railway stations, bus stations, a variety of outdoor plaza bulletin boards or billboards. The reason is its long life, high brightness, wide viewing angle, low power consumption, high contrast, colorful, dynamic characters and can display a static picture. This article is currently the most widely used kind of LED dot matrix display billboard designed as a reference prototype small dot matrix display. It uses STC89c51RC microcontroller as the master chip, by the human eyes persistence of vision phenomenon as the basic principles of design of rotating Led display, Led display device via this USB to RS232 serial ISP download to download updates, you can display the user needs Chinese, characters, and digital text and other content, the entire display device compact and lightweight, low power consumption, cost is not high, easy to carry suitable for indoor display, can also be used to make indoor lighting. Keywords: STC89C51; rotation led; dot matrix display; persistence of vision 目录 绪 论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.1.1 选题背景 1 1.1.2 研究现状及发展趋势 1 1.2 论文主要内容 2 2 方案论证与选择 3 2.1 系统硬件方案 3 2.1.1 显示屏主控制器 3 2.1.2 通信系统 4 2.1.3 视觉暂留效应 4 2.2 系统软件方案 5 2.2.1 单片机编程


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