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毕业论文 工字形截面轻钢结构构件弯扭耦合自振分析 河北工程大学土木工程学院 2013年6月10日 摘要 本文在轻钢结构满足弹性力学及薄壁杆件基本假定及工字形截面为开口薄壁结构前提下,运用所学过的材料力学、弹性力学和薄壁杆件结构力学相关的知识,采用薄壁杆件模型,通过线性插值分析方法,建立工字形截面轻钢结构构件弯扭耦合自振分析的哈密顿体系,并且采用拉格朗日能量法写出拉格朗日方程和哈密顿正则方程,最后运用精细积分法求解问题。 用MATLAB语言编制工字形截面轻钢结构构件弯扭耦合自振分析问题的计算程序,计算具体实例并对计算结果进行分析;求出问题的高精度数值解并验证本方法的可行性。运用此方法得出的结果精确度高、计算简便、计算操作易与程序化,为工程实例计算提供方便,为结构方案的确定和初步设计的完成提供了较为准确的依据。对于实际应用也有一定帮助。 关键词:工字形截面;轻钢结构;弯扭耦合自振分析;哈密顿对偶体系;线性插值 Abstract We assume that the light steel structure is satisfied with the assumptions of the Elastic Mechanics and thin-walled structure and that the -beam is an opening thin-walled structure. Apply the knowledge which is related to the Material Mechanics, Elastic Mechanics and Thin-walled structure Mechanics. We use the model of thin-walled structure and the method of linear interpolation to build the Hamiltonian system of the -section and light steel structure member under the bending-torsional coupling vibration situation, and we can get the Lagrange equation and Hamilton’s canonical equation by applying Lagrange energy method, we solve the problem using the precise integration method of two end boundary at last. We need to compile the procedures of the -section and light steel structure member under the bending-torsional coupling vibration situation by the MATLAB. Calculate the typical examples and analyze the computed result to obtain the highly precise numerical solution and verified this method’s feasibility. The results which obtained by this method have many advantages such as high accuracy, easy calculation, calculating operation easy to programmed and so on. It provides a new method for engineering case. And provide an accurate basis for the determination of the structural concept and the accomplishment of the initial design. It also benefits to some practical situation. Key words: -section, light steel structure, bending-torsional coupling vibration analysis, Hamilton dual systems, linear interpolation 目 录 摘要 Abstract 1绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 轻钢结构的研究现状 1


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