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摘 要 内部培训是企业运用自身力量提高员工的整体素质和企业竞争力的一种培训方式,对公司的发展有着重要的作用。利用企业内部的人力和物力资源对企业员工进行培训不仅节约了企业的培训成本,还可以达到外部培训不能达到的效果。由于内部培训的培训人员都为企业现有职工他们对企业的情况更为了解,他们知道员工的培训需求和企业的发展需要,能够依据企业和员工的特点制定有针对性的培训计划。本文主要根据对浙江来斯奥有限公司内部培训机制的分析寻找其优点与不足,提出相应的对策。 首先笔者介绍了公司的人员现状并对原有培训方案进行阐述,分析原有培训方案的现状以及实施过程;其次笔者根据现状分析找出原有方案的优点以及可以改进之处;最后通过对企业培训体系的再设计、培训体系的实施以及培训体系的评估反馈,探讨如何从企业内部做好企业培训工作,以提高内部培训的效果。 关键词:培训;内部培训;人力资源管理 Abstract Internal training is the enterprise uses his own strength improve the whole quality of employees and enterprise competitiveness of a training mode for the development of the company, has an important role. Uses the enterprise internal of manpower and material resources to enterprise staff training not only save the enterprise training cost, also can achieve the effect of external training can't reach. Due to internal training for enterprise training personnel of the enterprise existing staff they know, they know that the situation is the training of its staff needs and enterprise development needs, can according to enterprise and employee's characteristic formulation targeted training plan. This paper mainly according to Obama Co., LTD, Zhejiang to the analysis of the internal training mechanism for its advantages and disadvantages, use its successful experience for reference. Firstly this paper introduced the present situation and the personnel of the original training scheme is expounded, analysis of the current situation and existing training scheme implementation; Secondly according to the present condition analysis to find the advantages of the original scheme and can improve places; Finally, mainly from the Angle of enterprise internal training system administrator construction enterprise internal training evaluation perfect encouragement mechanism to improve enterprise culture of eight aspects, this paper discusses how to good enterprise from the enterprise internal training, in order to improve the effect of internal training Key Words:Training;Internal training;Human res


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