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900*1200简摆破碎机的设计 摘 要 随着我国经济的持续发展,我国的钢铁工业和矿业得到了快速的发展,各种金属,非金属,化工矿物等物料的社会需求量和生产规模的日益扩大,需要破碎的物料量迅速增加,因此,破碎机的需求也越来越大,各种规格破碎机的开发与发展,与建筑,高等级公路,桥梁,水坝和矿业的发展息息相关,它的使用范围也越来越广.颚式破碎机是矿山生产、建设用料加工及聚合化工生产的主要设备之一,被广泛地应用于各种金属与非金属矿山、化工矿物以及水泥、建材等物料的生产加工中。近年来,随着矿山生产和建材加工中一些新理论的提出,用户希望散体矿石能够在破碎阶段尽可能地得到粒度更细、块度更好的产品。 本文对900*1200简摆破碎机的结构原理进行了分析,结构参数和工作参数的选择与计算,通过这次毕业设计,系统地把大学里的专业知识复习应用到实际设计和生产中去,提高自己的动手能力和创新能力,锻炼自己的自主能力和查阅资料的能力,以此提高的综合素质来适应社会发展的需求。通过对简摆破碎机结构的研究和设计,通过采用经验公式对结构参数进行优化设计。有助于我们更好地对设计产品的结构进行修改,使结构更加的完善。 关键词:简摆式破碎机,参数设计,结构分析 Abstract Along with our country economy develop continuously, our country iron and steel industry and mining industry got rapid development, various metals, non-metallic minerals, chemical materials such as the social demand and the increasing scale of production, need to be broken material volume increases rapidly, therefore, the crusher is also increasing demand, a variety of specifications broken the development and the development, and building, highway, bridge, dam and mining development, it is used more and more widely. The jaw crusher is mine production, construction materials processing and polymerization chemical production of one of the main equipment, is widely used in all kinds of metal and nonmetal mines, chemical mineral, cement, building materials and other materials processing. In recent years, along with the mine production and processing of building materials in some new theory, users want to loose ore in crushing stage as possible to get finer, fragmentation and better products. The900 *1200simple pendulum crusher structure analyses the principle, structure and working parameters selection and calculation, through this graduation design, system to university major knowledge review applied to practical design and production, improve their practical ability and innovation ability, exercise their own ability and the ability to access the information, in order to raise the comprehensive quality to adapt to the needs of social development. Base



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