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项目编号:31SZDYKC-090601 职业大学研究性课题教学项目 学 生 研 究 论 文 项目名称: IEEE标准电脑鼠走迷宫研究 论文题目:Micromouse615电脑鼠项目报告 摘 要 “电脑鼠”是使用嵌入式微控制器、传感器和机电运动部件构成的一种微型机器人,可以在 “迷宫”中自动记忆和选择路径,快速地达到所设定的目的地。电脑鼠走迷宫竞赛是一项具有一定难度、富有挑战性和趣味性的比赛。本研究性课程重点对电脑鼠硬件、迷宫算法进行分析研究。本研究性课程通过对电脑鼠自动穿越迷宫过程的研究,综合嵌入式专业的电路设计、传感器控制、单片机程序开发和算法研究等多学科知识,熟悉掌握嵌入式应用开发的全过程。 本文首先介绍了电脑鼠的起源与发展,分析了电脑鼠的硬件组成和工作原理,在此基础上重点讨论了电脑鼠软件的设计与实现,具体包括:等高图制作、电脑鼠冲刺、电脑鼠转弯、电脑鼠搜索、相对方向与绝对方向转变、墙壁资料存储和电脑鼠搜索策略,最后对研究性课程教学过程中遇到的问题进行了讨论与总结。 关键词:嵌入式系统,电脑鼠,智能算法 ABSTRACT The micromouse is a typical micro robot ,which inclueds embedded microcontroller, sensors and mechanical motion. The micromouse can choose a best and fast way to the destination in the maze, with automatic memory . The contest of micromouse go through a maze is a difficult but challenging and interesting game. This Research-based Curriculum focuses on the hardware design of micromouse and the maze algorithm . The research includes the knowledge of circuit design, the embedded microcontroller program and algorithms such. The students can know how to design and implement an embedded application through the curriculum. This paper firstly introduces the origin and development of micromouse。Then it analyzses the micromouses hardware composition and working principles. After that we discuss the design and implementation of the software. .It includes the maze map ,absolute orientation , search strategy and optimal path method of the research. At last ,the problems during the studying process are discussed and summarized.. Keywords:Embedded System,Micromouse,Intellegent Algorithm 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc258458389 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc258458389 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc258458390 第一章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc258458390 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc258458391 1.1项目背景 PAGEREF _Toc258458391 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc258458392 1.2项目介绍 PAGEREF _T


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