
Protel 99原理图库元件和PCB库元件的创建与管理毕业设计.doc

Protel 99原理图库元件和PCB库元件的创建与管理毕业设计.doc

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Protel 99原理图库元件和PCB库元件 的创建与管理 摘 要: CAD技术的应用,大大推动了电子、微电子技术的进步,技术的进步和市场竞争,又导致了CAD技术的不断完善,构成了计算机应用技术的一个重要分支。EDA是继CAD之后的新一代计算机设计系统,是电子领域内基于性能更强,环境更为完善的操作设计系统。本文着重介绍Protel99软件的体系结构,特点及现存问题;并用这一软件进行原理图库元件和PCB库元件的创建与管理的制作。其中绘制了以常见典型插接件、固态继电器和CPU插座为例的3个原理图库元件以及相应PCB库元件的封装形式;介绍了属性设置对话框中各参数的含义;并生成相应的报告文件。 关键词: Protel99 ; 绘图; 库元件; 封装 Protel 99 principles component of picture library and PCB storehouse components establishment with managed Abstract: The application of CAD technology, has pushed forward the advance of electron, microelectric technique greatly , The progress of technology competes with market, has caused the constant perfection of CAD technology again, Have formed an important branch of application technology of the computer. EDA is that the computer of new generation following CAD designs the system, stronger because of performance in an electronic field , Design the system in operation with more perfect environment. Introducing the system structure of Protel 99 software emphatically, the characteristic and extant question; And carry on establishment of the component of picture library of principle and PCB storehouse component and making of management with this software. Have drawn 3 principles component of picture library and encapsulations form of corresponding PCB storehouse component taking often see the model inserted and connect one, the solid state relay and CPU socketting as example among them ; Have recommended attribute to be set up and talk the meaning of every parameter in the flame ; And produce corresponding reporting the file . The keyword: Protel99 ; Drawing; Storehouse component ; Encapsulation 一、引言 Protel99是 Protel Technoloy公司1999年4月推出的全新EDA软件.它不仅是以往版本的升级,更主要的是它融合了目前许多先进的新技术和新成果而使其功能和品质有了质的飞跃。Protel99是一个全面,集成,全32位的电路设计系统。它提供了在电路设计时从概念到成品过程中所需的一切:输入原理图设计,建立可编程逻辑器件,直接进行电路混合信号仿真,进行PCB设计和布线并保持电气连接和布线规则,检查信号完整性,生成一整套加工文件。 虽然Protel99中提供超过16000种元件类型,并且有ANSI(美国国家标准学会),DEMORGAN,IEEE(电子和电气工程学会)三种模式的丰富元件库,但在使用电路仿真软件绘制原理图或印制电路板时常常需要一些元件库中没有的元件,或者是某种很特殊,新开


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