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酒驾测试仪毕业论文 学 院: 计算机与信息工程学院 专业年级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 设计(论文)题目: 酒后驾车测试仪 起 迄 日 期:  2012.11-2013.5      指 导 教 师: (副教授) 教研室负责人: (教授) 摘 要 自《刑法修正案(八)》和修改后的《道路交通安全法》正式实施,“醉酒驾驶”正式入刑。很多车主 关键词:酒驾测试仪;酒精浓度;STC12C5A16AD;MQ-3;阀值 Abstract Since the criminal law amendment (eight) and the road traffic safety law formally implemented, drunk driving into the punishment formal. Not only the traffic police department, and many owners are looking forward to a portable instrument conveniently measure the alcohol concentration of gases, which provides guarantee for safe driving, effectively reduce the occurrence of major accidents. Alcohol concentration tester designed in this study is the gas concentration of ethanol detection tool for a practical, safe and reliable, high precision of MQ-3 alcohol gas sensor to detect the concentration of ethanol in air, A/D conversion and processing of signal detection using macro crystal, high performance and low cost microcontroller STC12C5A16AD, finally through the LCD screen display output. Alcohol concentration tester designed in this study has drunk threshold setting function, can according to laws and regulations or the user needs to set the threshold to modify the drunk, and save. The instrument is small volume to carry, simple and convenient operation, low cost, high performance, suitable for the promotion of the use of. Keywords:  Drunk driving tester; alcohol; STC12C5A16AD; MQ-3; threshold 目 录 摘 要 II Abstract III 1 绪论 2 1.1课题背景 2 1.2目前采取方法 3 1.3设计要求 3 2 方案设计 4 2.1设计方案选择 4 2.2 各部分介绍 5 2.2.1传感器部分 5 2.2.2 单片机部分 7 2.2.3液晶显示部分 8 2.2.4其他部分: 9 3 Protel硬件开发软件 10 4 软件设计 12 5 下载与调试 13 致 谢 16 参考文献 17 附录: 19 电气原理图 19 PCB电路图 20 程序清单 21 1 绪论 1.1课题背景 交通事故已成为对人类生命安全威协最大的“第一公害”。全球每年有50万人因车祸丧生。引起交通事故的基本因素有人、车、路、环境与管理等,其中驾驶员本身因素占70%。而酒后驾车是驾驶员驾驶事故重要因素之一。世界各国统计,30%~50%的交通事故由饮酒后驾车所至。我国交通部门报道,酒后驾车的交通事故率比平常人高出至少5~6倍。在


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