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Bertha and her twin sister were wrestlers. Bertha got tired of being booed when her twin sister was always cheered. Bertha managed to fight back with some secret battle. Things changed completely and Fiona started having those awful feelings that Bertha once had. Then Bertha had an idea to make everybody happy. What’s the difference between Bertha and her twin sister Fiona? What did they do on Friday evenings? How did the crowd respond when Fairplay Fiona and Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher came out? What Bertha’s Secret Battle is? Find evidence in the story that explain this. Pages 10, 22, 23, 30. Discuss the characters of Bertha and Fiona. Was Bertha a really rough and rude person? Look for places in the story that show she was really as nice as Fiona, (pages 9 and 10) (Theme) Was Bertha really a rough and rude person? Or was she as nice as Fiona? What was Bertha’s secret battle? Do you think Bertha did the right thing? Was the ending fair? Can you think of a different way to solve Bertha’s problem? Judging by appearance Will you judge someone simply by his/her appearance? Have you ever felt what Bertha felt when somebody was praised and you were criticised? What happened when Fiona looked like Bertha? (18,19,20,26) Try to explain whether Bertha did the right thing? Was the ending fair? Can you think of a different way to solve the problem? 拼读训练(Phonics) win spin twin begin tell sell yell well dash crash smash splash ring swing darling wrestling Hall call wall fill will skill stream scream lock knock race face 作业(Assignment ① 基于课堂的讨论,结合自身经历,描写当他人受到称赞而自己却受批评时的心理感受, 以及自己如何处理情绪的经历,借鉴作品中的词汇和描写手法,要求有真情实感。 ② 基于故事,为即将到来的摔跤比赛写一篇推广文字,支持自己所喜爱的选手(Bertha 或 Fiona)。可着重描写选手的特征,赛季成绩,所获称号等。 * *
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