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摘 要 管理的目的,在于通过对生产要素的组织协调控制达到效益的提高,包括对物与物、事与事、人与事,尤其是人与人的组合搭配、集成整合、协调控制的管理。人是生产力诸要素中最活跃也是起决定性作用的部分。管理的定义是经由他人达到目标的行为。在实际的生产过程中,规律要人去发现,理论要人去建立,成本要人去控制,技术要人去开发应用,管理也要人去操作,一切都离不开人,所以归根到底是对人的管理。于是以提高效益为目的的现代管理的核心,也由“物”转到了“人”。科学管理以人为本,泰勒的“科学管理”应运而生,进而对人的管理又由粗放到了细化,由形式上对人身的管理到本质上对人心的管理,管理由艺术上升为科学。然而对人的管理最有效的方法就是对人的激励,从而最大限度地调动人的积极性,发挥人的潜能。企业怎样确保员工在公平的基础上得到他们应得的薪酬,一个职位的价值是什么,应该支付多少薪酬,是很多人关注的焦点。 关键词: 绩效 薪酬 激励 ABSTRACT Management purpose is to increase efficiency through the coordinated control of factors of production, including things and things, things and events, people and things, especially people with a combination of integrated, coordinated control of management. People play the most active and decisive role in the productive forces. The definition of the management is the behavior what has been done by others. In the practical production process, discovering the law dignitaries, establishing theory, controlling the cost, developing and implicating the technology, and managing everything cannot leave people alone. So in the end, management is managing of people. The core of modern management is to improve the effectiveness, at the same time the model changes from “object” to “people”. The core of scientific management is people-oriented. Taylors scientific management came into being, and thus the management of people is from the extensive to the refinement , from surface to the nature of the people, from the art to the scientific .However, the effective way to manage the people is the human motivation, which mobilized the people to show their potential. But many people focus on their valuable salaries on equal and the value of their jobs. Key Words:performance salar prompting 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 第二章 激励 3 2.1 激励的概念 3 2.2 激励的类型 4 2.2.1 物质激励与精神激励 4 2.2.2 正激励与负激励 4 2.2.3 内激励与外激励 5 2.3 激励的对象 5 2.3.1 激励对象的分类 5 2.3.2 激励对象的方式 6 2.4 激励的特点 8 2.4.1 从推动力到自动力 8 2.4.2 个体自身因素的影响 8 2.4.3 自动力是一个内在的变量 8 2.5 激励的作用 8 2.6 激励的中心环节 9 2.6.1 激励的中心环节 9 2.6.2 有效的激励 10 2.6.3 激励氛围 11 2.7 有效激励 12 2


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