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摘 要 随着科学技术的发展,温度采集及显示在生活中被广泛使用。由于不同的环境对温度采集的方式有所不同,所以对于一定距离下的温度采集显得尤为不易。 本文运用基本的电子元件设计了一款集温度与无线数据显示于一体的适合工厂、企业与人民生活使用的无线数字显温度计。此温度计可将100m以外的温度信号以无线传输的方式送到显示终端进行数字量的温度显示。 此电路设计简单、成本低、易掌握、易操作、易观察。该无线数显温度计的设计包括电源电路、温度检测与发射电路、温度接收显示电路等电路。 论文中详细分析了电路的工作原理,并对元器件的参数、特性和元器件的如何选用作了详细说明,清晰地阐述了该电路的用途和发展前景。 论文最后还用Multisim软件进行了仿真,给出了仿真效果图,并最终制作成印刷电路板,通过调试该电路达到了设计的要求,性能稳定,控制效果良好。 关键字:无线;数字显示;温度检测 Abstract With the development of science and technology, temperature measurement and display are widely used in daily life. Because they do notCollected with the environment temperature differences in the way, so for a certain distance of the temperature measurement is particularly difficult. In this paper, the basic design of a set of electronic components and wireless data showed the temperature in one of the suitable factories, enterprises and people living with the wireless digital thermometer. This thermometer can be outside the 100m temperature signal to wireless transmission to the display terminal for digital temperature display. This circuit is designed to be simple, low cost, easy to grasp, easy to operate, easy to observe. The design of wireless digital thermometers, including power supply circuit, temperature detection and transmission circuit, the temperature receiver display circuit. Detailed analysis of the paper the working principle of the circuit, and the components of the parameters, characteristics and components of the detailed description of how to use and clearly explained the circuit uses and development prospects. Finally, the paper also used multisim simulation software, the simulation results map, and eventually made into a printed circuit board, through the commissioning of the circuit meets the design requirements, performance, stability, good control effect. Keywords: Wireless;Digital;Display;Thermormometer 目 录 摘 要................................................................I Abstract.II 第一章 绪论......................................................


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