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2012 届 继续教育 学院 专 业 工程造价管理 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2012年 月 日 摘 要 随着科学技术的迅猛发展以及我国加入WTO,国际竞争将变得日益激烈,我国工程造价管理将向何方发展,采取哪些措施才能迎接经济全球化、知识经济时代到来和工程造价管理的国际化趋势?这些都是造价管理人员必须回答的问题。随着我国改革开放的进一步加快,中国经济日益深刻地融入全球市场,在我国的跨国公司和跨国项目越来越来多,我国的许多项目要通过国际招标、咨询或BOT方式运作。同时,我国企业走出国门在海外投资和经营的项目也在增加。但是与之不相符的是我国的工程造价管理还是沿用计划经济时的体制,虽然有部分地区已经推行工程量清单计价,但是和国际惯例还有不小的差距。 本文从施工单位的角度出发,并结合本人对本课题的研究,在详细的阐述了工程量清单计价的基本涵义与特点的基础上,系统论述了工程量清单计价模式下,在工程建设的设计、施工招标、施工、竣工验收等各个阶段工程造价管理与控制应注意的问题、应采取的措施和手段。 关键词:工程量清单计价 工程造价管理与控制 工程建设全过程 Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology and Chinas accession to WTO, will become increasingly fierce international competition, where China will be the development of project cost management, the measures taken to meet the economic globalization and knowledge economy era, and project cost management, international trend ? These are the cost managers must answer. With the further acceleration of Chinas reform and opening up, Chinas economy increasingly deeply into the global market, multinational companies in China and the multinational projects become more and more and more, many of our projects through international bidding, consulting, or BOT manner. Meanwhile, Chinas overseas investment enterprises to go abroad and operating in the project are also increasing. But the contrast is not consistent management of the project cost while still stick to the planned economy system, although some areas have introduced the Bill of Quantities, and international practice but there is still a small gap. In this paper, the construction unit point of view, combined with me on the subject of study, a detailed exposition of the Bill of Quantities the basic meaning and characteristics, based on the system, discusses the construction bill of quantities, in engineering construction design, construction bidding, construction, completion and acceptance of all stages of project


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