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一齿差渐开线行星齿轮减速器设计 摘 要 本毕业设计的目标是设计一齿差渐开线行星齿轮减速器。 本减速器属于K-H-V型。K表示行星轮,H表示转臂,V表示输出轴。由于行星轮与内齿轮齿数差为1,所以叫“一齿差”,可以实现很大传动比。行星轮少齿差行星齿轮减速器具有结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、传动平稳、效率高、传动比范围大等优点,在许多情况下可以代替多级的普通齿轮传动。但齿轮必须修正,即选定一对变位系数。设计时首先在一齿差齿轮传动的基础上进行机构的运动设计,包括几何尺寸的计算、强度校核计算等。设计时要满足几个条件,即要保证啮合率不小于1、齿顶不相碰、不发生齿廓重迭干涉,然后对主要零件进行详细的受力分析和设计计算,从而进行装配结构的设计,并最终在AutoCAD环境下绘出减速器的装配图和零件图。另外,还在pro-engineer环境下实现三维建模,并对减速器传动进行相关的分析。 关键词:减速器 一齿差 变位 pro-engineer The design of one tooth difference involute planetary gear reducer Abstract My design goal is a kind of one tooth difference involute planetary gear reducer. The reducer belonging to the K-H-V type. K stands for planetary gear, H stands for tumbler, and V stands for output axle. The tooth difference between the planetary gear and the internal gear is one, therefore it can achieve a large transmission ratio. Planetary gear with few teeth difference planetary gear reducer has the advantages of compact structure, small volume, light weight, stable transmission, high efficiency, wide range of transmission ratio etc, in many cases can replace the multistage ordinary gear drive. But the gear must be trimmed, that is to selecte a pair of displacements coefficient. When I design it, first of all, I do the motion design of mechanisms at the base of one gear tooth difference movement, which includes geometry size calculation and strength checking calculation. The design must meet several conditions, we must ensure that the coincidence should not be less than one, no collision between top gear teeth, and no profile overlapping interference, then make detailed stress analysis and design calculation of the main parts, thus design the assembly structure, and ultimately drawn in AutoCAD environment the reducer assembly and main parts. In addition, achieve three-dimensional modeling in pro-engineer environment to conduct relevant analysis. Key words: reducer one tooth difference displace pro-engineer 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc323974481 1.前言 PAGEREF



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