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摘 要 汽车租赁是近年来一个新兴行业。为规范管理和经营行为,减少经营成本,提高工作效率。开发汽车租赁管理系统软件十分必要。 使用SQL Server数据库和Visual Studio系列工具实现了一个基于.net的汽车租赁管理系统。其开发主要包括前端应用程序的开发以及后台数据库的建立和维护两个方面。前台操作包括:浏览查询车辆信息,驾驶员信息,网上公告,进行汽车租赁、还车和订单取消。后台发布新车辆信息,管理修改车辆信息,添加、管理驾驶员信息,添加、管理公告信息,订单管理,用户管理,车辆归还审核等。 该系统以网络为平台,界面简洁,操作简单,易于掌握,简化租赁活动记录手续,提高了租赁周转效率。 关键字:汽车租赁;.net;租赁管理 Abstract Renting Car is an emerging industry in recent years. In order to regulate the management and working actions, reduce operating costs and improve efficiency. It’s so necessary to develop of Renting Car Management system software. With the use the SQL Server database and Visual Studio family of tools to achieve a .NET Car Rental Management System. Includes the development of front-end application development as well as and establishment and maintenance of two aspects and back-end database. Front desk operations including: browse and query vehicle information, driver information, online bulletin, car rental, return the car and order cancellation. Background release of new vehicle information, manage and modify vehicle information, add and manage driver information, add and manage bulletin information, Order form management, user management, and auditing the vehicles. The system to the network as a platform, simple interface, simple operation, easy to grasp, to simplify the record formalities for leasing activities, improved the efficiency of rental turnover. Key Words:Renting Cars ;.net ;Lease management 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375726 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc325375726 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375727 第1章 引言 PAGEREF _Toc325375727 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375728 1.1选题依据及意义 PAGEREF _Toc325375728 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375729 1.2研究现状及发展态势 PAGEREF _Toc325375729 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375730 1.2.1国际汽车租赁业务的发展及主要企业的经营模式 PAGEREF _Toc325375730 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375731 1.2.2国内汽车租赁 PAGEREF _Toc325375731 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375732 1.3研究目标及意义 PAGEREF _Toc325375732 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325375733 1.4主要理论 PAG



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