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微观可视化研究活性水驱油机理 摘 要 表面活性剂驱油是三次采油的主要方法之一。目前,国内外关于微观可视化活性水驱油机理这一问题已进行了大量的实验研究,研究方法有多种,但大多采用岩芯流动实验。这种方法无法对驱油效果和驱油方式进行直观观察。本文采用平板玻璃微观模型,可对驱油过程中的各种机理、驱油效果和驱油方式进行直观观察。本实验首先进行表面活性剂的筛选,考虑从适用性(耐温、耐盐性)等方面选择目前油田常用的几种表面活性剂中筛选出两种表性的表面活性剂。对筛选出的表面活性剂进行复配和采用相应的仪器等手段进行界面张力、乳化能力等的测定及评价,确定优化配方。然后采用平板玻璃微观模型驱替实验进行活性水驱油时的原油乳化分散、乳化携带、聚并、乳化油滴的形成等机理研究。进而研究活性水驱油对提高采收率的作用、意义及影响。实验表明,利用该项技术进行活性水驱油实验来研究其对驱油效率的影响是可行的。 关键词:活性剂;驱油机理;采收率;可视化研究 ABSTRACT Surfactant flood is a main EOR method. Large-scale experiment research about the mechanism of surfactant displace with the visualization technology can be found domestic and abroad. There are many methods, but most of these researches are based on core flood experiment, in this way, we cannot observe the oil displacement mechanism and the sweep efficiency directly. In this paper use glass plate micro model to study the mechanism, sweep efficiency, and the regime of displacement during the process directly. In this experiment, primarily select the optimal surfactant, take the applicability (temperature tolerance, salt tolerance etc) in to account, sort out one or two representative from the mostly used surfactant in oilfield present. And then combination the selected surfactant to determine the optimal compound, through relevant instrument to measure it’s interface tension, emulsifying power and etc. and lastly, use glass plate micro model to research the mechanism of oil disperse, entrainment, accumulate by emulsify, and the formation of emulsified oil droplet. And to further study the effect to recovery efficiency by surfactant displacement. Experiment result show that the use of this technology to research the effects to recovery efficiency by surfactant displacement is feasible. Keywords: surfactant; mechanism; oil recovery; the visual study 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z HYPERLINK \l _Toc138926477 第1章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc138926477 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138926478 第2章 实验理论基础分析 PAGEREF _Toc138926478 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc138926479 2.1 国内活性水驱油的开发现状 PAGE



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