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lesson1 Teaching of new lesson 1.出示巴黎的一些图片提问 Would you like to visit Paris? Where would you like to visit? 答句用:I’d like to do…… I want to do…. I’love to do…. I feel like doing…… 2.would like to…… want to … would love to… fell like doing . 3.不同的地方有不同的假期结合一些图片学会用于描绘风景的词汇: Beautiful 美丽的 relaxing 休闲的 tiring 劳累的dangerous 危险的 educational 有教育意义的 peaceful 平静而祥和的 fascinating 迷人的 interesting[interest] 有趣的 fun 滑稽的 Boring 厌烦的 thrilling 令人激动的 excting 兴奋的 I like beatiful and relaxing vacations.So I would like to visit ……. 4.看图描述宣传画报中的假期;relaxing peaceful boring ; excting dangerous tiring ; 5..What kind of vacations do you like? 6.I would like to ….Because I like…vacations 用此句式表达自己的愿望 7.。读132页 的听力材料做1b 8.小结 9。作业:用方格中的适当形式填空: Would like, would, like, had better, Hope , want, used to, talk to, would rather, 1.I,’d---to jion this exciting vacation. 2.When Iwas a child,I----play games in the yard. 3.She said she----die than give up devoting her life to her country. 4.I -----his place because the people here are very friendly and the scenery is beatiful. 5.He-----that I will get there as soon as possible. 6.You------do more exercise and eat less rich food. 7.Look, your father is-----our teacher now. 8.-----you----to help teenagers learn English? 9.My father always says to me you----to have a try if you need to improve your experience in the society. 10.If I were you, I----have fininshed the task. * * Unit7 Where would you like to visit Period 1 肖云 8。书面练习:根据要求写出正确形式: tire 现在分词)------ education -形容词)-------….- - peace 形容词)--------- interest 形容词------- -------- tiring educational peaceful interesting interested


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