管理学第一章 管理概述.ppt

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整合后的核心竞争力树形结构图 海尔发展战略 ????●名牌战略阶段(1984年—1991年) ????特征:只干冰箱一个产品,探索并积累了企业管理的经 ????验,为今后的发展奠定了坚实的基础,总结出一套可移 ????植的管理模式。 ????●多元化战略阶段(1992年—1998年) ????特征:从一个产品向多个产品发展( 1984 年只有冰箱, ????1998 年时已有几十种产品),从白色家电进入黑色家电 ????领域,以“吃休克鱼”的方式进行资本运营,以无形资产盘活有形资产,在最短的时间里以 ????最低的成本把规模做大,把企业做强。??? ●国际化战略阶段(1998年—2005年) ?特征:产品批量销往全球主要经济区域市场,有自己的海外经销商网络与售后服务网络。?Haier 品牌已经有了一定知名度、信誉度与美誉度。 ?●全球化品牌战略阶段(2006年— ) 特征:为了适应全球经济一体化的形势,运作全球范围的品牌,从2006年开始,海尔集团继名牌战略、多元化战略、国际化战略阶段之后,进入第四个发展战略创新阶段:全球化品牌战略阶段。 区别是:国际化战略阶段是以中国为基地,向全世界辐射;全球化品牌战略则是在每一个国家的市场创造本土化的海尔品牌。 海尔实施全球化品牌战略要解决的问题是:提升产品的竞争力和企业运营的竞争力。与分供方、客户、用户都实现双赢利润。从单一文化转变到多元文化,实现持续发展。 * * * An organization is a systematic arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. Every organization has a purpose, people or members, and a systematic structure. The purpose of an organization is expressed in terms of a goal or set of goals. Within the organization’s structure, its employees strive to achieve these goals. * * * Most experts on the subject of management endorse the concept of four basic interdependent management functions. Planning consists of several elements: defining an organization’s goals, establishing a strategy to achieve them, and developing a structure to coordinate goal achievement activities. Organizing includes determining what tasks will be done, who will do them, how the tasks will be grouped, who will report to whom, and where decisions will be made. Leading involves motivating employees, directing the activities of others, selecting effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts. Controlling includes monitoring the organization’s performance, comparing it with previously set goals, and correcting deviations to keep the organization on course. * * * * * * We can categorize organizational members in two ways. Operatives work directly on a job or task and have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others. Managers direct the activities of other people in the organization. Usually classified as top, mi


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