9A Unit4 Period 4 Vocabulary课件.pptVIP

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1 It is a set of programmes that have the same subject and characters. 4 It is very funny. It usually has a happy ending. * Period 4 Vocabulary 1.They pay a _______ visit to their parents. 2. Unemployment is likely to rise in the _______ year. 3. Visit our website for the most __________ fashion trend. 4. There’ll be a news ________ before the station goes off the air. 5. The _________ of prizes will begin at three o’clock. 6. She ________ the earthquake in Sichuan for CCTV news. 7. It wasn’t a recorded show and it was ________. 8. The government has_________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs. 9. The mother of the _______ victim wept in court. 10. The play was ________ by Frank Hauser. weekly coming up-to-date round-up presentation covered live announced dead directed 1 我妹妹很喜欢吃水果,象苹果、西瓜等。 My sister likes to eat fruit, such as apples and watermelons. 2.第三十届奥运会将于2012年在伦敦举行。 3. 那个篮子里装满了各种鲜花。 4. 我们都喜欢看冯小刚导演的影片。 5. 我们再为运动会开幕式作准备。 The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London. The basket is full of all kinds of fresh flowers. We all like the movies directed by Feng Xiaogang. We’re preparing for opening of the sports meeting. 6. 离开雷锋塔以后,游客们开始欣赏西湖的美景。 7. 他们将在这个礼拜五采访一些著名的篮球运动员。 8.这部3小时的纪录片,对长征进行了详细的描述 9. 《英雄》这部电影拍摄于2001年到2002年之间,因为其令人称奇的故事获得奖项。 After they left the Leifeng Tower, the visitors bagan to enjoy the beautiful scenes of the West Lake. They will have interviews with some famous basketball players this coming Friday./ They will interview … This 3-hour documentary takes a close look at the Long March. The film called “Hero” was filmed between 2001 and 2002 , which won an award for its amazing story. comedy Game show cartoon documentary chat show Drama series 3 It shows the things and events that happen in real life. 2 It is interesting and some of the people can win prizes at it. drama series game show documentary 6 It can also be called ‘ talk show’. comedy cartoon chat show 5 It is made up of a series of drawin


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