毕业论文 房地产关系的营销策略.doc

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毕业论文 房地产关系营销策略----以南阳鑫邦房地产开发有限责任公司为例 作 者 系 别 专 业 年 级 学 号 指导教师 答辩日期 成 绩 【内容摘要】 随着改革开放的深入推进,经济全球化和一体化已经形成,房地产业也随之出现了新的形势,新的机会平台正在构成,而在这一平台背后,还存在着巨大的潜在危机。这种危机来自经济全球化带来的激烈竞争,各个国家和地区的企业正在虎视眈眈的看着中国的房地产市场。关系营销,作为一种新行动的营销理论,它顺应了当代的营销潮流,推动了营销结构的新变化。本文运用关系营销思想,结合南阳鑫邦地产公司的实际情况,并根据其运作现状,从我国当前的房地产业现状出发,分析目前关系营销在房地产市场的实际运用,并根据关系营销理论制定出关系营销策略,以期能给二线房地产开发商的市场博弈提供一些参考。 【关键词】房地产 关系营销 市场 On the Application of Relationship marketing In Chinese Real Estate Market Abstract: With firmly implementing the Opening policy, economic globalization and integration have been shaped. Soon afterwards the domestic real estate industry has faced new situation. While the new platform of opportunities is forming: there also hide tremendous potential crises behind, which come from those global enterprises in various countries and regions. They are optimistic about Chinese real estate industry with covetous eyes. As a new type of marketing theories, Relationship Marketing has fitted the marketing practices of modem enterprises. On the chance of providing certain helps in the marketing gaming for the real estate developments, this paper elaborate the current real estate market conditions in Xinbang by connecting the relationship Marketing theory and the actual situation of Chinese second line city’s real estate industry, and works out some relationship marketing strategies in accordance with the Theory. Key words: Real estate; Relationship Marketing; Market 目录 1. 绪论…………………………………………………………………..(1) 2. 房地产与关系营销…………………………………………………..(1) 2.1关系营销理论发展的历史简介………………………………....(1) 2.2关系营销的含义………………………………………………....(2) 2.3房地产营销的实质是关系营销…………………………………(3) 3. 关系营销实例及简析. ……………………………………………...(4) 3.1 南阳鑫邦房地产开发有限公司现状…………………………...(4) 3.2 鑫邦地产公司目前存在的问题………………………………...(6) 3.


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