土木工程毕业设计计算书 黑龙江省绥化市东方新城B2#住宅楼设计.doc

土木工程毕业设计计算书 黑龙江省绥化市东方新城B2#住宅楼设计.doc

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摘要 本计算书按照学校土木工程专业毕业设计的要求进行编写,毕业设计的题目为黑龙江省绥化市东方新城B2#住宅楼设计。建筑面积约为,主体结构为砖混底框结构。设计主要分为建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计以 “适用、安全、经济、美观”为原则,以国家相应规范、标准为依据,在了解本工程概况基础上进行平面、剖面、立面设计,并在此基础上进行建筑详图设计、防火设计、建筑构造做法设计等,设计采用单元式平面组合,功能分区明确,布置紧凑,相对独立,满足使用要求和防火规范。结构设计部分本着“安全,适用,耐久”的原则,设计内容包括结构方案选择,水平荷载、竖向荷载汇集,内力计算及组合,框架梁柱截面设计,墙体承载力验算,楼板、楼梯设计和基础设计等。其中对板、框架梁、柱的设计都采用了偏于安全的弹性理论设计方法。本设计建筑物地区抗震设防烈度为7度,建筑的安全等级为二级。设计后达到了强度、刚度和稳定性方面的要求。 关键词 底框结构 建筑设计 结构设计 内力计算 配筋计算 Abstract According to this calculation on civil engineering graduate school design requirements for the preparation, The subject of the graduation design is dongfangxincheng B2# ,suihua city heilongjiang province The area of the building about 7000,bottom frame structure. The design consists of architectural design and structural design in two parts. Architecture design with "applicable, safety, economy, beautiful" for the principle , based on the national standard and standard. Based on know the general situation of engineering go to designing the plane, facade and profile. On the basis of detailed design, construction of fire prevention design, architectural construction practice design, etc.The way of combination is unit,have a Clear functional partition,decorated compact,relative independence,can meets the requirement of people and the code for fire protection. Structure design part in "safety, applicable, durable" principle,the design content including structure scheme selection, horizontal load and vertical load collected and internal force calculation and combination,the beam and column of framework, checking the bearing capacity of the wall, floor, stair design and basic design, etc. Among the board, the design of the beam and column using the elastic theory tends to safety design method. This design buildings region seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees, building level of security for level 2. After the design reached the strength, stiffness and stability requirement. Keywords: Bottom frame Architectural design Structu



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