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摘 要 本文在分析跨界民族问题国际化理论的基础上,分析了格鲁吉亚国内南奥 塞梯跨界民族问题的产生和发展以及国际化过程和影响。格鲁吉亚在民族政策 上的失误使格鲁吉亚主体民族和奥塞梯民族陷入了族际间的“安全困境”,从而 产生了南奥塞梯的跨界民族问题并不断升级。20 世纪 90 年代初期,俄罗斯和格 鲁吉亚关系较为和睦。俄罗斯,作为邻国和地区大国介入其中,在解决南奥塞 梯问题中发挥了积极作用,使南奥塞梯问题发展态势较为稳定。然而,随着俄 格关系的恶化,格鲁吉亚为了平衡实力和威胁,在南奥塞梯问题上进一步寻求 国际化,使美国介入其中。结果,南奥塞梯跨界民族问题由族际间的“安全困 境”演变为国家间的安全困境,进而成为俄罗斯和美国之间战略博弈。南奥塞 梯跨界民族问题愈加复杂,最后由于格鲁吉亚的判断失误,对南奥塞梯动用武 力,导致五日战争爆发。南奥塞梯问题的国际化在对国际社会产生重大社会影 响的同时,也为解决跨界民族问题留下了深刻的教训和启示。 关键字:跨界民族问题;国际化;南奥塞梯 2 Abstract Based on summarizing the theories of Cross-border ethnic problem, this thesis will analyze the development of South Ossetia Cross-border ethnic problem, the process and the significant impact for the world with South Ossetia ethnic problem being internationalized. Georgia’s failure in the minority policy take the state into inter-ethnic “security dilema”, which make South Ossetia Cross-border ethnic problem break out and being contineously escalated . In the early period of 90s of the 20th century, Georgia has developed a good relationship with Russia, which make Russia play an active role in the South Ossetia problem as neighboring country and the major power,making the problem stable . However, with the deterioration of relationship between Georgia and Russia, Georgia begin to seek United States to interve in the problem to balance the strength and threat of Russia. The inter-ethnic “security dilema” gradually being deteriouated into “security dilema” between States, becoming the strategic game between Russia and United States. Finally, resulted of misjudgment, Georgia use of force againest South Ossetia, leading to the outbreak of “Five Day War”. The internationlaization of South


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