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摘 要 在苏丹发生的达尔富尔人道主义危机是当前国际上的重要议题,引起国际 社会的高度关注。但国际社会不但未能阻止危机爆发,而持续多年的危机仍未 能得到有效解决。主要是中美两国在苏丹问题上未能达致共识,而非洲联盟, 欧洲联盟和阿拉伯联盟亦未能对危机作出有效的应对,亦危害了联合国在达尔 富尔危机中的作用。 英国学派对主权、国家利益和人权的观点亦会被使用于本文解释各行为体 在达尔富尔危机的政策。国际政治中的行为体在达尔富尔危机中的不同反应, 显示了行为体对主权、国家利益和人权的不同认知。这些概念亦交织在行为体 在危机中的政策上,并尝试在三者中取得平衡。故当前达尔富尔情况可以说是 各行为体所行使的政策的结果。 在讨论人道主义危机时,最被受谈及的是进应否为了灾区带来即时和平而 进行武力干预和人道主义干预的合法性问题亦是国际政治中的热门话题,在达 尔富尔危机中亦没有例外。而英国学派中的社会连带主义对人道主义干预提供 了四个考虑因素,亦为干预的合法性提供了解析。 关键词:人道主义危机;主权;国家利益;人权 1 Abstract Darfur crisis has been described as one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. It has been attracted public attentions for few years; however, those global attentions haven‘t brought peace to the region. International society has failed the promise of ―Never Again‖ again. The failure is due to the divergence between the US and China, the European Union and the Arab League ineffectively exercise their capability and also the African Union itself limitation. The humanitarian crisis in Darfur have been related to two contradiction concepts—Human rights and Sovereignty. In this paper, the English School approach would be used to explain how human rights and sovereignty interaction affecting those major actors‘ Darfur policy. The English School is divided into Pluralism and Solidarism. Solidarists suggest some requirements to allow intervention. Those requirements would be applied to the Darfur crisis, and used to discuss whether crisis in Darfur should be intervened. Key words: Humanitarian crisis; Sovereignty; National Interest ; Human Rights 2 目


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