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摘 要 月份牌是一种传统的年画样式,它是被商业利用来作为宣传商品和促进销 售的一种商业招贴广告。中国月份牌已有 100 多年的历史。“月份牌”亦常被俗 称为“美女月份牌” ,其女性形象的受欢迎程度可见一斑。早期月份牌的功能只 是百姓寻常用来查时记日的日历,而到中后期则演变为美女广告画。中国女性 经历了几千年父系氏族的奴役,心理和思想始终处于压抑状态。20 世纪上半叶 随着西方女权主义自由思想的传入,中国女性才开始考虑“自己”。从当时的社 会状况来看,女性正处于思想变革的重要时期。一方面期待摆脱被动地位,一 方面又必须屈从男权社会的附属身份。月份牌正是这两种身份的混合体。月份 牌在吴文化的大背景下,形象上继承了传统仕女画的特点,同时又具备了文人 画“雅致”的特点。月份牌女性形象在由传统插图仕女向写实广告女性转化的 过程大致经历了三个时期,它的变化与上海乃至全国的社会状态息息相关。月 份牌美女影响了当时社会的流行方向,而女性在社会地位中的变化也在月份牌 中显露出来。研究这个时期的女性的地位及心理变化过程,有助于更深层次的 挖掘月份牌女性形象及其发展演变。 关键词:月份牌女性;上海文化;桃花坞年画;文人仕女画;吴友如;郑曼陀; 杭稚英;上海女性 1 Abstract The calendar is a kind of the new year paintings,which as a Commercial poster,aiming at promoting commercial products from western enterprises. It has 100 years already. Some one called calendar as calendar belle. There can be see that, female characters is very popular at that time. At the beginning, Calendar’s featuresis is for ordinary people to check the calendar day when the mind, but later it evolved into the poster for the beauty. Chinese female had slaveried by paternal clan thousands years. Their psychological and ideological always in a state of depressed. Half of the 20th century, chinese female begun to consider Their own, when the Western feminist came. Conditioned From the prevailing social, women are at an important period of change in thinking. On the one hand, they look forward to emerging from a passive position; on the other hand, they must submit to male social status of the subsidiary.Calendar is this mixture of two kinds of identity. It inherits the image of the painting characteristics of the traditional Ladies and paintings also have elegant characteristics,when


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