2014届最新高考英语一轮单元复习 精品阅读理解提升文章精选一百篇一四.docVIP

2014届最新高考英语一轮单元复习 精品阅读理解提升文章精选一百篇一四.doc

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2014届最新高考英语一轮单元复习 精品阅读理解提升文章精选一百篇(14) Unit 20   Features of American Campus Life (I)   -- Busyness   American students are typically very busy. Undergraduate students often have part-time jobs in addition to their studies. Some even have two or three part-time jobs to earn money to support their studies. Graduate students have large quantities of material to study, and may also have jobs (graduate assistantships and others) and families. This busyness limits their time for social activity and for incorporating new people into their social circles.   -- Male-female Relationship   Male and female American students associate with each other rather freely. (This does not mean they are all readily available for sexual activity, as the media sometimes imply, although an estimated 75 per cent of American undergraduates are sexually active.) Many view the college years as a natural time in life for finding a spouse. Even if they are not seeking a marriage partner, they try to become acquainted with members of the opposite sex.   -- Freedom   As is clear from their politicians speeches, Americans prize freedom. This freedom means living without significant constraints on their behavior. In the political area freedom means the relative absence of governmental regulation of their lives. In the social area, it means the relative absence of confining roles and expectations.   -- Presence of Disabled People   Students from China are often startled to see on US campuses people who are in wheelchairs, are blind and have a dog leading them from place to place, or are otherwise physically challenged. Various federal, state, local, and institutional laws and policies prohibit discrimination against disabled people. The disability may be physical -- for example, having paralyzed legs, blindness, or deafness -- or mental -- for example, depression, or a learning problem such as attention-deficit disorder. Thus, disabled people are to be found among the students and teachers of most US


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