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论 文 摘 要 在全球化时代背景下,中国传统文化的核心价值是对人精神上的引领 和提升。美术教育担负着传承传统文化的责任,传承的意义在于发展和创 新。 本研究清晰地表明传统文化在社会转型时期的重要作用,并从传统元 素基础性的理论研究出发,对传统元素在社会各领域的运用和发展趋势进 行了分析;本研究还注意到传统元素在现代教学应用的实际状况,对 《美 术课程标准》和美术教科书中相关内容进行了整理,提出 《美术课程标准》 应重视对传统元素从形式到内涵的纲领性指导。在此研究的基础上,注意 理论联系实际,对教师和学生实施调查后,厘清今日的中学美术教学仍存 在的一些问题:第一,单纯模仿传统美术的形式和技巧,未能对其文化内 涵做进一步探究;第二,传统美术教学的内容忽视与初中生实际生活的联 系,难以激发他们的学习兴趣。 在此研究的基础上,本文提出从作为传统文化组成部分的传统美术的 “形”与 “神”的层面上提取传统元素的方法,并围绕传统元素进行单元 课程设计,旨在通过一系列的美术教学活动来促进初中生对传统文化的关 注和理解。通过这一系列美术教学活动,教师引导初中生对传统文化的内 涵进行探究,并有机融入流行元素,注重与初中生现实生活的联系。初中 生的美术学习兴趣得到激发,积极进行学习探究,提高了自身的美术素养, 加强了传统文化的理解和认同。 关键词:传统元素;流行元素;初中美术教学 i ABSTRACT In the era of globalization background, the core of Chinese traditional culture value is spiritual guidance and ascension. Art education for the inheritance of the traditional culture of responsibility, inheriting the meaning of the development and innovation. This study clear traditional culture in the period of social transformation, the importance of the traditional elements from the basic and the study on the theory of the traditional elements in the society in the fields of application and development trend are analyzed; This study also noted that the traditional elements in the modern teaching the actual status of the application of the fine arts course standard and art in the textbook relevant content sorted out, put forward the fine arts course standard should pay much attention to the traditional elements from the form to enlighten the connotation of the guidance. In this research, on the basis of the note theory with practice, teachers and students to carry out investigation, clarify the art teaching high school today still exists some problems: the first, the pure traditional art form


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