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毕业论文 (20_ _届) 民营企业上市融资问题的研究 摘 要 随着我国经济高速发展,民营企业成为经济发展中最为活跃的因素。虽然民营企业发展的速度和规模惊人,但是融资问题一直困扰着民营企业家,我国民营企业的融资问题主要表现为融资结构不合理:以内源融资为主、资金匮乏,因而外源融资变的尤为重要。本文揭示了我国民营企业融资需求的现状,提出民营企业可选择上市融资这一方式,通过对比境内外上市的利弊、上市途径的优劣和上市时机的把握以及上市后的绩效等方面,分析出民营企业上市融资必须结合自身规模、特点与能力,从而选择最佳的上市地点、上市途径和上市时机,并提出了政府有关部门应加强相关法律制度的建设和监管力度,积极扶持民营企业上市融资;同时民营企业还需不断完善公司治理结构、增强自身竞争力,以求将困扰民营企业发展的融资问题得到更加有效的解决和完善。 关键词Abstract With the fast economic development in China, private enterprises play an active role. Although the developing speed and the scale of the private enterprises are amazing, the financing has always been a problem, which mainly focuses on the way of funding structure. The current way mainly relies on internal financing, how to expand the external financing becomes an important issue. The paper reveals the current performance and requirements of the private enterprises’ funding, putting forward the listing on funding, comparing the pros and cons between listing on abroad and home as well as the advantage and disadvantage between different ways of listing, analyzing the choices of listing timing and the performance after-listing, Summed up the public financing of private enterprises must be integrated with its size, features and capabilities,so to select the best place of listing, the listed channels and market opportunities, and put forward relevant government departments should strengthen the legal system construction and supervision, actively support public financing of private enterprises; while private enterprises need to continuously improve the corporate governance structure, strengthen its Competitiveness of private enterprises in order to be plagued by financing the development of more effective solution and improved. Keywords: Private enterprises;Funding;Listing on funding 目 录 1 相关概念的理论界定 1 1.1 民营企业 1 1.2 融资概念 2 2 民营企业融资现状及其原因 3 2.1 我国民营企业融资现状分析 3 2.2 民营企业融资难的主要原因分析 5 3 民营企业上市融资分析 6 3.1民营企业上市对其的影响 6 3.2 上市地点的选择 6 3.2.1 境内上市的选择 7 3.2.2 境外上市的选择 8 3.3 上市途径的选择 10 3.4 上市时机的选择 10 3.5 浙江民营企业



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