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单位代码 03 学  号 分 类 号 F270 密 级 毕业论文 中小企业内部控制的问题及对策 院(系)名称 商贸学院会计系 专业名称 财务管理 学生姓名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 中小企业内部控制的问题及对策 摘要 近年来,我国经济发展迅速,中小企业也迅速壮大起来。但中小企业稳定有序的发展,真实、完善的会计信息是非常重要的。只有建立起完整、有效的内部控制,解决其存在的问题,才能使会计信息真实、有效,从中发现企业存在的问题,促进企业的发展。 中小企业内部控制的不健全是普遍存在的问题,所以,利用企业内部分工而产生的相互制约、相互联系的具有控制职能的方式、措施及程序,并且使之系统化、规范化,成为一个较为严密和完整的体系。建立企业完善的内部控制制度,提高会计人员素质刻不容缓。 本文以中小企业内部控制存在的问题进行讨论、研究,运用所学到的理论知识和实践经验,提出一些针对这些问题解决的建议,内容如下: 首先,介绍一下中小企业内部控制的现状及内部控制的含义和必要性。 其次,中小企业内部控制存在的问题及其成因。 最后,通过这些问题,提出解决的对策。 关键词:中小企业,内部控制,对策 The existing problems and the countermeasures of the small and medium-sized enterprises’ internal control Author: XXX Tutor: XXX Abstract In recent years, rapid economic development in our country, small and medium-sized enterprises are rapidly growing up. But, the stable and orderly development of small and medium-sized enterprise, true, the perfection of accounting information is very important. Only to set up complete and effective internal control; solve the existing problems; make the accounting information ture, effective; find the enterprise existing problems, they can promote the development of the enterprise. It is common problem that small and medium-sized enterprise internal control is not sound. So, it can use the enterprise internal division of labor to make restriction each other and confection each other of the way with control functions, measures and procedures, to make it systematic、standardization and to become a more strict and complete system. It is urgently needed to establish enterprise perfect system of internal control and to improve the accounting personnel quality. The paper is based on the small-medium enterprise internal control to discuss and research. It uses the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to put forward some suggestions to solv


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