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摘 要 反义词的研究一直是汉语本体研究的重点和难点。本文从对外汉语教学的实践和亟待 解决的问题出发,选取具有语义对立关系的空间极性词作为研究对象,以外国学生的过度 类推为切入点,对汉语空间极性词的组配情况作了大致的梳理,并在空间极性词和其他语 言单位的动态组配中去挖掘组配空位出现的原因并加以解释。 本文采用对比的方法,将成组的空间极性词分为方位义极性词、移动变化义极性词、 方向义极性词三类进行专章研究。每一章又分空间域和投射域两小类分析空间极性词在动 态组配中的各种语义小类。 本文得出的结论是:(1)空间极性词与其组配词语的意义和功能在组配过程中是一个 动态的构建与整合的过程,空间极性词是否能和其他语言单位组配,受极性词的语义、组 配词语的语义、整个结构的结构义的共同制约。(2 )部分空间极性词组配前的语义对立关 系在与其他语言单位组配后会发生变化。(3 )组配中的空位可以是形式上的,也可以是语 义上和语用上的空位。(4)一般说来,在组配结构中组配的各元素提供了相当充足的语义 信息,在对外汉语教学中要培养外国学生对词语间语义关系的感知力。 此外,本文还针对如何避免外国学生的过度类推,给对外汉语词汇和语法教学提供了 参考。 关键词: 空间极性词;过度类推;组配;空位 3 Abstract The research on the antonym has been the focus of the study of Chinese ontology research. This article chooses the spatial polar words which have opposite semantic relationships as the research object from the requirements of Chinese language teaching practice and urgent problems. This article made a general description of the collocation of the spatial polar words and other matched units from the aspect of the overgeneralization of the foreign students and tries to explain the reason why the null elements existed. In this paper, the spatial polar words were divided into three types; they are locative polar words, moving-changing polar words, and directional polar words. Each chapter is divided into the space domain and projection domain of the two categories. This paper concluded that: (1) The meaning of the spatial polar words and the matched units are constructed in a dynamic process. Whether the spatial polar words can be matched with the other units was constrained by the meaning of the spatial polar words, the meaning of the matched units and the meaning of the structures. (2) The opposite semantic relation between some


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