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摘 要 混合动力汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicle,HEV)既能充分发挥内燃机汽车和电动汽车的优点,又可以避免各自的不足,是当今最具有实际开发意义的低排放和低油耗的理想车型。而混合动力电动系统是最适合也最有潜力运用到客车上的,尤其是城市客车,因此,混合动力城市客车成为当今世界汽车界最具竞争力的开发热点。 本文以运用于城乡之间的传统客车为研究基础,在保留其动力性的基础上,实现提高燃油经济性和降低排放的设计目标,以达到动力性和经济性的良好配合。围绕着这个目标,本文首先分析比较了HEV的各种类型和驱动模式,从而确定了电动客车驱动系统为并联式混合驱动的布置型式、并为HEV主要制定了动力性能指标,其次完成了对整体及各部件参数的确定和匹配,最后在以上基础上实现了对汽车底盘的布置和各部件的装配连接。本次设计中,HEV采用发动机提供平均行驶功率、电动机提供峰值功率的控制策略,从而减小了发动机的功率和尺寸、更好的发挥了发动机的动力性、实现了动力性和经济性的良好结合。 在底盘的布置中,通过对各部分如发动机、电动机、离合器、变速器等的合理布局,在保证各个部件不运动干涉的情况下,实现了各部件的良好连接以及动力的顺利传递。在设计过程中,尽量贯彻了“标准化、系列化、通用化”的原则,以降低成本。 关键词:并联式混合驱动,动力性,经济性,控制策略,底盘布置 ABSTRACT HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV) can give full play to the advantages of internal combustion engines and electric cars, and avoid their shortcomings, are the most practical significance of developing ideal models for low emissions and low fuel consumption. Hybrid electric system is most suitable for potential use on the bus, especially urban buses, therefore, hybrid city buses to become today's automotive industry is the most competitive development hot spots of the world. This article to apply traditional research base for passenger cars between urban and rural areas, the retention on the basis of its power, designed to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions targets to achieve good cooperation of power performance and fuel economy of. Around with this target, this first analysis comparison has HEV of various type and drive mode, to determines has electric bus drive system for parallel type mixed drive of layout type, and for HEV main developed has power performance index, second completed has on overall and the all parts parameter of determines and match, last in above Foundation Shang implementation has on car chassis of layout and all parts of Assembly connection. In this design, HEV engine provides the average power, providing peak power motor control strategy, which reduces the engine power and size, better display of engine power, to achieve a good combination of po


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