110kV降压变电所 完全版.doc

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PAGE 110kV降压变电所电气一次系统设计:110/35/10kV,进/出线回数2/4/8(电缆),最大负荷77MW,最小负荷50MW毕 业 设 计(论文 110kV降压变电所电气一次系统设计:110/35/10kV,进/出线回数2/4/8(电缆),最大负荷77MW,最小负荷50MW 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目 系 别 电力工程系 二○一三年六月 摘 要 随着社会的现代化水平不断提高,在经济发展到了一定程度时,国民经济发展的步伐受到电力发展程度的制约。电能已成为国家发展的主要能源和动力,社会生产和生活对电能供应的质量和管理提出了越来越高的要求。变电所是供电系统的核心部分,在整个电网中起着举足轻重的作用。电力工业迅猛发展的同时,人们对变电所的安全性、可靠性、稳定性以及经济性都提出了更深层次的要求。变电所的安全运行,直接关系到电网的安全运行。因而,对其设计也就提出了更高的要求。 在本设计中,除了注重变电所设计的基本计算外,对于主接线的选择与论证等都作了充分的说明,其主要内容包括:变电所主接线方案的选择,进出线的选择;变电所主变压器台数、容量和型式的确定;短路点的确定与短路电流的计算,电气设备的选择(断路器,隔离开关,电压互感器,电流互感器,避雷器等);配电装置设计和总平面布置;防雷保护与接地系统的设计等。 最后,并绘制了电气主接线、电气总平面图、防雷保护配置图等相关设计图纸。 关键词:电气主接线设计;短路电流计算;电气设备选择 ELECTRIC DESIGN of 110 KV STEP-DOWN SUBSTATION Abstract Along with the continuously improvement of the level of social modernization, while the national economy develops to a certain degree, the pace of national economic development will be restricted by the level of electric power development. Electricity has become the main energy and power for the national development, social production and life call for high quality of power supply and management, the desire becomes more and more exigent. Substation is the core part of the power supply system, which plays an important role in the whole power grid. Together with the rapidly developing of power industry, people call for further requires on the safety, reliability, stability and economical efficiency of substation. The safe operation of substation relate directly to the security level of the whole power grid. So we have higher requirements on the design of substation. Except the basic calculation of substation design, this design has specification for the selection of the main electrical wiring, It includes: the selection of the main electrical wiring ,the selection of inlet and outlet wire, selection of the number, capacity and type of main transformer; The determination of short-circuit point and the calculation of short-circuit current, the choice of electrical equipment ( including ci


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