虚拟试验实时软总线关键技术研究报告 - ISIP 2012.pptVIP

虚拟试验实时软总线关键技术研究报告 - ISIP 2012.ppt

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The framework of this representation are including: Introduction, Rolling bearing fault diagnosis Feature conctruction and feature selection Classification boosting And finally show the experimental results and discuss the general conclusions * Roller bearing is one of the most widely used in rotating machinery. Condition monitoring of such an element is greatly advantageous for economical and security value, and can be regarded as a pattern recognition problem [1]. A basic framework of a roller bearing is composed of rolling elements, inner and outer races, and a cage. The main failure mode of rolling bearings is localized defects, which is dislodging of a sizable piece of contact surface during operation as a result of fatigue cracking under cyclic contact stressing in the bearing metal [2]. * There are three main phases in this block diagram Original feature Feature selection Fault classificaiton In this section, the feature generation is discussed from time-domain of vibration signals. Time domain methods usually involve statistical features that are sensitive to impulse factor oscillation, such as root mean square(RMS), Kurtosis, Skewness, peak to peak(range) factor. Root mean square reflects the power of dynamic signal. It is the common way of fault diagnosis with root mean square. Kurtosis and skewness reflect the signal’s deviation from the normal distribution. Skewness measures the signal probability distribution’s central asymmetry, and kurtosis measures the concave of top peak of probability density function. * In this paper, we use time-domain statistical features. Table shows the part of time domain feature, including ::: * After feature construction, we need to choose the optimal features. The goal of feature selection is to find such a lower dimensional subset that holds most of the information (suitable for classification or regression). In order to improve the efficiency of adaboost classification, we selected the optimal features from the candid


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