河北省青龙满族自治县千马铁矿床 资源勘查专业毕业论文.doc

河北省青龙满族自治县千马铁矿床 资源勘查专业毕业论文.doc

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河北省青龙满族自治县千马铁矿床 成因研究 Genesis of Qianma iron ore deposit in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County?of?Hebei?Province 论文题目 : 河北省青龙满族自治县千马铁矿床 成因研究 学生姓名 : 学院名称 : 专业名称 : 资源勘查工程 班级名称 : 学 号 : 指导教师 : 教师职称 : 副教授 2012年06月14日 摘 要 千马铁矿位于河北省青龙满族自治县境内。出露底层有单塔子群、元古界地层、古生界地层和第四纪地层。其中单塔子群由一套中-浅变质岩系组成,元古界地层为一套浅海相沉积岩,古生界地层的岩性为白云质灰岩、泥质灰岩、砂质页岩夹煤层。在构造方面,本区位于山海关台拱西南,经历五台、吕梁、燕山等多次构造运动,地层褶皱强烈,形成一系列近南北向褶皱及东西向、北西向、北东向三组断裂。该区已经进行过详查工作,并证实千马铁矿为沉积变质铁矿。本文通过描述不同地质时期的地壳演化,以及构造作用、变质作用、混合岩化作用和原岩建造对沉积变质铁矿的影响,对沉积变质铁矿的成因进行的探讨,其中探讨方向包括铁质的物质来源、运移形式和沉淀等,通过上述过程进而得出结论。 关键词 千马铁矿 沉积变质铁矿 矿床成因 Abstract: Qianma iron ore deposit is located in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County of Hebei Province. Exposed strata consist of Dantazi subgroup and the strata of the Proterozoic, Paleozoic, and Quaternary. Dantazi subgroup is formed by a series of lower metamorphosed stratum and the Proterozoic is a series of neritic sediments, while the Paleozoic includes dolomitic limestone, argillaceous limestone and sandy shale with the inclusion of seam. The construction of this area belongs to the southwest of Shanhaiguan tectonic belt, going with several times of tectonic movement of Wutai,Luliang and Yanshan. While the deformation of stratum is very intensive, then forming a series of south-north fold and three fracturation from east-west,north-west and north-east. This area has been conducted with detailed investigation, confirming that the iron ore type of this area is sedimentary-metamorphic.The discussion of the causes of the sedimentary-metamorphic iron ore is coming through by the description of the different geological periods of crustal evolution, while ,the direction of the discussion i



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