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汽车销售企业物流系统的优化 内 容 摘 要 随着汽车需求量的增加,近两年的汽场发展的非常快,中国汽车产量年均增长速度达到20%--30%。汽车产业规模不断扩大,汽车销售企业的数量也在近几年间不断增加,且以品牌代理形式的4S店为主,而且数量还有不断扩大的趋势。目前中国正处于汽车发展的初级阶段,市场也正处于培育壮大期间。汽车生产企业和汽车销售商也处于亲密的合作期,但也不是很乐观。初级阶段下,汽车生产企业处于明显的主导地位,销售企业的硬件要求都由生产企业指定导致目前销售企业间同质化严重且每期销售量都有硬性规定,为完成任务导致销售企业的竞争处于白热化,爆发价格战已是常见。为在竞争中求发展,提高销售企业的核心竞争力,提高服务水平是必须的。 本文针对汽车销售企业中物流运作的现状,存在的问题等进行探讨,并与当今国际中的最新主流发展水平进行对比,结合当今中国汽车业及物流业的发展,并通过分析现实企业的情况来争取探寻一条汽车销售企业结合物流最新技术而使竞争力进一步提高的适合方法。并以上海鹏宇汽车销售服务有限公司物流流程改造为例,上海鹏宇汽车销售有限公司是东风雪铁龙品牌在上海的五家4S店之一,并已有将近七年的历史。经历了汽车市场从市场培育到逐渐火热再到现在的激烈竞争,应该说他的发展历程及现状代表了当今中国4S店发展的过程和普遍的现状。通过对鹏宇公司的物流进行分析,其中的问题也应该是其他4S店普遍存在的。 关键词:物流、系统、汽车销售企业、优化 Automobile sales enterprise logistics system optimization ABSTRACT With the increase in demand for motor vehicles and nearly two years of field development of steam very quickly, China's car output reached an average annual growth rate of 20% -- 30%. The automobile industry continues to expand the scale, sales of automobiles the number of enterprises in recent years has steadily increased, acting with a brand form of four S-based shops, but the number still growing trend. At present, China is the development of the car at the initial stage; the market is in fostering the growth period. Auto manufacturers and car dealers are also in close cooperation period, it is not very optimistic. Under the initial stage, automobile manufacturers are at a distinct dominant position. Sales of enterprise hardware requirements specified by manufacturers to sell enterprises homogenization serious and each has hardware sales provisions for the completion of tasks to sales in the competitive world, the outbreak of the price war is already common. Competition for the development and marketing enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness, improve service levels is essential. Based on vehicle sales enterprise logistics operation of the status quo, as well as the existence of the discussions and the current international and the latest mainstream development levels compared



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