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Unit 7 Packing 商品的包装     Packing of Goods In shipment, proper packing can be extremely important depending on the type of product and its destination. Ocean voyages may be most damaging to the goods that are not properly packed. Actually, packing not only serves as a form of protection, but also facilitates loading, unloading and stowage, and prevents pilferage. Furthermore it can promote sales. 商品包装是保护商品在流通过程中品质完好和数量完整的重要措施。在国际贸易中,经过适当包装的商品,有利于储存、保管、运输、装卸、计数、销售和防止盗窃等工作的进行。 Except for the cargo in bulk, such as coal, oil, etc., and the nuded cargo, such as steel bars, iron, etc., most export goods need adequate packing for the purpose of transport and sales. In order to avoid damage that occurred during transit in ocean transportation, packing should be designed according to the need of the cargo such as fruits in cartons, chemicals in bags and electrical equipment in wooden cases. Strong packing is needed to withstand rough handling. Goods subject to breakage have to be crated, and those subject to moisture wrapped in plastic. 出口商品在运输过程中,除散装货如谷物、煤炭、矿砂,或裸装货如钢材、木材等商品不需包装外,大多数商品为了避免在搬运、装卸和运输途中发生碰撞、振动或受外界其他影响而损伤货物,必须要经过适当的包装才能装运出口。例如,对于海洋运输,尤其是中途需要转船和多次搬运的商品,坚固的包装特别重要;而空运商品则要求包装轻巧牢固等。 I. The kinds of packing  (包装的种类) The kinds of packing 包装的种类  无包装: 散装货(Bulk Cargo; Cargo in Bulk ) 裸装货(Nuded Cargo) 有包装: 运输包装(Outer Packing; Shipping packing; transportation packing) 销售包装(Inner packing; Small Packing; Immediate Packing; Marketing packing; Selling packing) 裸装货(Nuded Cargo) 裸装适用于一些品质比较稳定、自成件数、难于包装或不需要包装的商品,如钢材、铝锭、木材、橡胶等等。裸装一般没有任何包装,但有时也略加包扎,如钢材有时也用铁丝捆扎成堆。 散装货(Bulk Cargo; Cargo in Bulk) 散装适用于一些数量较大、颗粒成堆或液态商品。这些商品多系不易碰坏的货物,如矿砂、煤、粮食、石油等等。许多散装的商品也可以包装。散装货需要具备一定的装卸条件和运输设备。 包装货(Packed Cargo) 国际贸易中的商品包装,按其在流通过程中作用的不同,可以分为运输包装和销售包装两种。运输包装--保护商品,防止货损货差。销售包装--除保护商品外,更突出的作用是宣


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