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高等级公路沥青混凝土路面机械化施工的几个方面 摘  要 在高等级公路的建设中,我国的绝大部分高等级公路都采用沥青混凝土路面。沥青混凝土路面在我国高等级公路、高等级城市道路建设中使用非常广泛。随着科技的小断发展,许多新技术、新材料都得到了实际应用,各种规范、标准比较齐全,沥青混凝土路面因其行车舒适性和养护简单成为我国道路施工中的重要结构形式,但因其对施工质量要求较高,因此沥青混凝土路面施工也是公路工程中比较复杂和很难控制的工程。关键词: Abstract In the high grade highway construction, the vast majority of Chinas use of high-grade highway asphalt concrete pavement. Asphalt concrete pavement is widely used in high grade highway, our country high grade road construction in the city. With the small fault development of science and technology, many new technologies, new materials have been practical application, various specifications, standard relatively complete, asphalt concrete pavement because of its comfort and simple maintenance has become an important form of road construction in our country, but because of the higher request to the quality of construction, so construction of asphalt concrete pavement is highway engineering is complex and difficult to control engineering. In the process of high grade highway construction, mechanical construction occupies an important position, and the choice of construction machinery and equipment of high grade highway pavement, but also the impact of various aspects, the highway pavement mechanization construction is the collaborative operation results of a variety of machinery and equipment, some of the high grade highway asphalt concrete pavement mechanization construction aspect of the research on this topic, to achieve the optimum combination of these mechanical construction, play to the economic benefits of various mechanical engineering with a maximum. Key Words: High grade highway,Asphalt concrete pavement, Mechanical equipment, Economic benefit 目 录 1 引 言 1 2 优化模型的建立 2 3 机械的配套 3 3.1 摊铺机的选配 3 3.2 拌合设备与摊铺机配套 3 3.3 压实设备及其它设备的选择 3 4 沥青混合料的拌和 4 4.1 沥青混合料拌合时间的控制 4 4.2 合理安排机械设备 4 4.3 在拌和过程中的注意事项 4 5 混合料的摊铺 6 5.1 拌合沥青混凝土 6 5.2 沥青混凝面层的摊铺 6 5.3 摊铺控制 6 5.3 碾压控制 7 6机械化组织管理 9 6.1 现场施工技术人员组织管理 9 6.2 机械人员现场管理 9 7机械化施工工艺组织设计的重要性 10 7.1 针对施工质量的设计 10 7


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