福建省长泰一中2013届高考英语一轮复习单元专题配套精练:必修3 Unit 5 Word版含答案.docVIP

福建省长泰一中2013届高考英语一轮复习单元专题配套精练:必修3 Unit 5 Word版含答案.doc

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必修3 Unit5 能力演练 一、语法填空 Investigators were testing the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings.For the first group the room 1 (paint)white; for the second,dark brown. 2 (move)of each group was followed by 3 electrical system under the carpet.The experiment showed that those 4 entered the dark brown room walked more quickly,covered more area,and spend 5 (little)time in the room than the people in the white environment.Dark brown stimulated more activity, 6 the activity ended sooner.Another experiment presented three groups of subjects 7 the same photographs,but each group was 8 a different kind of a room—an “ugly room like a messy storeroom,an average room such as a nice office,and a nicely 9 (design)living room with carpeting and drapes.Results showed that the subjects in the studies suggest students do better on tests 10 (take)in comfortable,attractive than in ordinarylooking or ugly rooms. 二、完形填空 解题技巧(4) 除了前面谈到的利用上下文和固定搭配确定选项外,做完形填空时还必须考虑以下几点。 〖HJ1.8mm〗1.考虑逻辑推理。将文章意思和我们原有的生活经验及常识结合起来进行简单的推理后再确定选项。如: We were so excited at the news that,that night,we had trouble _____________. A.running B.laughing C.sleeping D.breathing 解析:生活经验告诉我们,晚上太兴奋了,有可能睡不着觉,所以选C。 答案:C 2.考虑词语复现。“词语复现”就是指在文章中可以直接找到的有些小题的正确答案。完形填空中词语复现的情况比较多见,所以同学们要擦亮眼睛,力争高分。如: (2008年广东卷)Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain.In particular,there was(and perhaps still is)a belief in fairies(仙女).Not all of these 21 are the friendly...and in some folktales they are cruel... A.babies B.believers C.fairies D.supermen 解析:前面有fairies,后面有they,此处是典型的词语复现,答案为C。 答案:C 3.考虑语言结构。分析句子结构、句中之间的对比或对照关系、排比句、惯用句型等信息,可有效提高答题的命中率。如: (1)I didn,t realize that I had been cheated _____________Tom came back and told me the truth. A.so B.that C.when D.until (2)(2008年辽宁卷)It was not just 43 I had become an expert at scraping dirt st


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